

2018-06-01    00'53''

主播: 流年の

95 0

Let me tell you about some of the horrible awful things she's done to me.One thing my sister loved to do was pull pranks on me,like a。lot.This one time in the fourth grade,I came home from a long day,I was totally exhausted,and so I lay in my bed on my pillow.And then I did the last thing I do before I fall asleep.I stuck my hand in the little sleep starter.You have that little space between the mattress and your pillow that your hand always goes? Now what I didn't know is that before I came home,my sister had snuck into my room and put toothpaste under my pillow.But with siblings,even if you do fight,at the end of the day,you're still family. 我来跟你们说几件我妹妹对我做过的极可恶的事儿。我妹妹相当喜欢做的一件事就是对我做恶作剧,做很多恶作剧。我上四年级时有一次,熬过漫长的一天后回到家,我累坏了,于是我枕着枕头瘫在床上。然后,我在入睡前做了最后一件事:我把手伸进“睡眠起始器”中。你知道吗?就是床垫和枕头中间的那个空隙,你的手经常会伸进去的那个地方。而我当时不清楚的是:在我回家之前,我妹妹溜进了我的房间,在我的枕头下面挤了很多牙膏。但是,兄弟姐妹嘛,即使会打架,到头来,还是一家人。