What do you want to do before you die?

What do you want to do before you die?

2018-06-26    01'01''

主播: 流年の

150 1

Driving something like this doesn't really cross my mind anymore.It's not something I want to do anymore.After someone tells you or you find out that you're sick or you haven't got much time in this life,this is the last thing that you would want to chase and this is how we should be living our life every day. Ali has since dedicated the remainder of his life and wealth to helping those who are far less fortunate than him.After an emotional journey to Africa,Ali has established a charity titled “Muslims Around the World Project”.The organization wasted no time in the construction of a masjid and a school in Africa to serve as an ongoing charity for him,when he finally has to depart this world. 我再也不会有开车这种欲望了。这不再是我想 做的事情。当有人告诉你或者你发现自己生病 了,活不了多久时,这些财富是你最不愿意追 求的事物了,所以我们每天也应该用这样的态 度度过我们的人生。 从那以后,Ali的余生和财富都用来帮助那些远 不如他幸运的人。在经历一次非洲的情感之旅 后,Ali创立了一个名为“全球musi林计划”的慈 善机构。该机构立刻在非洲建立一座清真寺和 一所学校,作为他的可持续的慈善事业,因为 Ali终将有一天会离开人世。