Never give up

Never give up

2018-07-01    01'10''

主播: 流年の

127 0

The boy is playing video games at home and he seems so absorbed in it until his mother gets home with a pres- ent for him.The boy opens the box and finds out there is a cute little dog star- ing at him.There is something special about this puppy;it has one of its paws missing.This is a lame dog,crippled, disabled,handicapped. The boy tosses the dog aside,thinking “what am I gonna do with a dog like this?”The dog then finds itself some- thing to do,fetching a ball.Stumbling and tumbling,this poor little dog still manages to get the job done,to bring the ball back to the boy.All of a sudden,after seeing what the dog just did,the boy seems to understand something.He then stops playing the video games and stands up from the couch.The boy,too,is on crutches, just like the dog,with one of his legs gone.They go outside the house into the open world,to play the ball togeth- er,to never give up on their lives. 男孩在家打游戏,玩得十分入迷,直到他的 妈妈给他带回了一份礼物。男孩打开了礼物 盒,发现盒子里有一只可爱的小狗在看着 他。但这只小狗有些不一样,它少了一条 腿。这是一只破足的狗,残疾的狗。 男孩把小狗扔在一边,想着“我要一只这样的 狗做什么?”小狗给自己找了件事—捡球。 这只小可怜跌跌撞撞地把球带给了男孩。男 孩看到这一幕后,像突然想明白了一些事一 样。他停下了手中的游戏,从沙发上站了起 来。这个男孩挂着拐,原来他像这只小狗一 样,也失去了一条腿。他们一起走向了屋外 的广阔世界,一起玩球,不再放弃他们的生 活。