

2018-06-29    00'55''

主播: 流年の

133 1

Munich is as fun as everybody says it is.This is the city center,the pulse of Munich.This is where everything happens,the beautiful architecture, people walking around from all over the world. There's some beer gardens nearby,so let's go check it out.It is packed. It's such a cool environment. There's music going on.It's just this really lively,fun atmosphere. We're eating our traditional German food.And we have bratwurst,a bunch of different kinds of sausage,tons of meat.These beers aren't just your normal beers.These are huge liter glasses.Munich is really interesting. (德国)慕尼黑正如每个人所说的那样有趣。这里是市中心,慕尼黑的脉搏。这里是所有一切发生的地方,美丽的建筑,游走于这座城市的世界各地的人。 附近有几处啤酒公园,我们去看一下吧。到处是人,环境真酷。这里有音乐,洋溢着活力,趣味盎然。 我们正在吃的是传统德国菜,有德国香肠,各种口味的香肠,许多肉。这些啤酒可不仅仅是你那些普通啤酒,这些是超大杯啤酒。慕尼黑真的是超有趣。
上一期: 巴塞罗那
下一期: Never give up