

2018-06-28    01'00''

主播: 流年の

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Located in northeastern Spain,Barcelona is one of the country's top travel destinations,because it offers everything tourists look for in a European city,from historic architecture to lively shopping and buzzing nightlife.Unique to Barcelona are the architectural marvels of Spain's famous architect Antoni Gaudi,which include the Casa Batllo and the famous Sagrada Familia church.Both of these extraordinary structures feature combinations of fascinating designs,shapes and colors.Popular activities in Barcelona include strolling along La Rambla,a tree-lined pedestrian avenue,and sunbathing on Barceloneta,one of the city's most popular beaches. 巴塞罗那位于西班牙东北部,是西班牙最著名的旅游胜地。游客想在欧洲城市里寻找的所有事物,在巴塞罗那应有尽有:历史悠久的建筑,热闹非凡的购物场所以及精彩万分的夜生活。巴塞罗那最独特的是出自西班牙著名建筑师安东尼·高迪之手的建筑奇观,包括巴特略之家和著名的圣家堂。其非凡的建筑结构的特色是将迷人的设计与形状和颜色相组合。在巴塞罗那,最受欢迎的活动还包括沿着绿树成荫的步行街兰布拉大道散步,在最受欢迎的巴塞 罗内塔海滩,享受日光浴。