

2017-08-28    02'36''

主播: 冲浪的少年

1626 66

Learn from the Men and Women of Our Troops (August 25, 2017) 向我们的男女军人学习(2017年8月25日) My Fellow Americans, 我的美国同胞们, I had the profound honor this week of addressing American troops at Fort Myer and speaking to thousands of veterans at the American Legion National Convention. 我很荣幸本周在迈尔堡向军人们发表演讲,并和美国退伍军人协会全国大会的数千们退伍军人们交流. Today I want to speak to all Americans about what we can learn from the men and women of our incredible Armed Forces. 今天,我想向所有的人们谈谈,我从我们这些杰出的军人们身上学到的东西. Every person who puts on the uniform makes our nation proud. They all come from across our land. They represent every race, ethnicity, and creed. But they all pledge the same oath, fight for the same cause, and operate as one team - with one shared sense of purpose. 每一个身着军装的人都让我们的国家自豪.他们来自我们国家的各地.他们代表着所有的民族,种族和信仰.但他们都用相同的誓词宣誓,为了相同的理由奋斗,并且团结一致--为了相同的目标. They love their families. They cherish their freedom. They salute our flag. And above all, they believe in America. 他们爱着他们的家人.他们珍视他们的自由.他们向我们的旗帜敬礼.至关重要得是,他们相信美国. Now, we must draw inspiration from their love and loyalty to one another - and to our nation - as we seek to heal divisions from within. 我们必须从他们的爱和对彼此的忠诚中,以及对我们国家的忠诚中获得灵感--在我们寻求从内部治愈分裂的过程中. We must also remember what our service personnel know better than anyone: that we are one people, with one home, and one glorious American destiny. 我们必须牢记,我们比任何人都更清楚我们的使命:我们是一国之民,有着共同的家园,以及辉煌的美国命运. We come from all different walks of life - but we all share the same dream - to live in peace and safety, to work with honor and dignity, and to build a better future for those we love. 我们来自各行各业--但我们有着共同的梦想--生活在和平和安定的环境中,光荣和有尊严地工作,为那些我们爱着的人们建设更加美好的未来. Together, we can achieve this dream, but we must first remember who we are and the values that bind us together. We must speak out against the voices that try to sow hatred and division. We must treat our fellow citizens with love and affection. And we must honor our heroes - and prove worthy of the sacrifice they have made for all of us. 我们可以一起实现这样的梦想,但我们必须首先牢记我们是谁以及把我们绑定在一起的价值观.我们必须站出来反对播种仇恨和分裂的声音.我们必须用爱和感情来对待我们的公民.我们必须向我们的英雄们致敬--证明他们为我们所有人做出的牺牲是有价值的. I ask every American to make a simple promise to the courageous warriors who fight in our name: when they come home from battle, they will find a country that has renewed the sacred bonds of loyalty that unite us together as one. 我要求每一个美国人都对以我们的名义战斗的英勇伤兵做出简单的承诺:当他们从战场回到国内,他们将见到一个崭新的国家,在这里有把我们团结在一起的忠诚的神圣纽带. Only when we work together with a shared purpose will we carry on the proud tradition of those who came before us. 只有我们为了共同的目的一起努力,我们才将能肩负起那些我们前辈们的自豪传统. Only when we honor our history will we have confidence in our future. 只有当我们尊重我们的历史,我们将在未来更加充满自信. And only when we strive for peace among one another will we remain a force for peace all around the world. 只有当我们作为其中的一员为和平努力,我们仍将是世界上维护和平的坚定力量. We can achieve this peace, we can foster this unity, and we can rebuild this loyalty - because together, we are truly One Nation Under God. 我们能实现这样的和平,我们能培养这样的团结,我们可以重建这样的忠诚--因为在一起,我们真正是上帝视角下的一个国家. Thank you. God bless you. 谢谢大家,上帝保佑你们.