《小猫金杰》Ginger 附原文

《小猫金杰》Ginger 附原文

2015-06-14    04'05''

主播: Max冬冬

1917 41

Ginger was a lucky cat. He lived with a little girl who made him delicious meals and gave him a beautiful basket, where he would curl up... and close his eyes. Here he is, fast asleep. But here he is again, WIDE AWAKE. What&`&s this? A Kitten! "He&`&ll be a nice new friend for you, Ginger," said the little girl. But Ginger didn&`&t want a new friend, especially one like this. Ginger hoped the kitten would go away, but he didn&`&t. Everywhere Ginger went, the kitten followed, springing out from behind doors, leaping on to Ginger&`&s back, even eating Ginger&`&s food! What a naughty kitten! But what upset Ginger more than anything was that whenever he got into his beautiful basket, the kitten always climbed in too, and the little girl didn&`&t do anything about it. So Ginger decided to leave home. He went out through the cat flap and he didn&`&t come back. The kitten waited for a bit, then he got into Ginger&`&s basket. It wasn&`&t the same without Ginger. The kitten played with some flowers, then he found somewhere to sharpen his claws. The little girl found him on the table drinking some milk. "You naughty kitten!" she said. "I thought you were with Ginger. Where is he anyway?" She looked in Ginger&`&s basket, but of course he wasn&`&t there. "Perhaps he&`&s eating his food," she said. But Ginger wasn&`&t there either. "I hope he&`&s not upset," she said. "I hope he hasn&`&t run away." She put on her wellingtons and went out into the garden, and that is where she found him; a very wet, sad, cold Ginger, hiding under a bush. The little girl carried Ginger and the kitten inside. "It&`&s a pity you can&`&t be friends," she said. She gave Ginger a special meal. She gave the kitten a little plate of his own. The she tucked Ginger into his own warm basket. All she could find for the kitten to sleep in was a little tiny cardboard box. But the kitten didn&`&t mind, because cats love cardboard boxes (however small they are). So when the little girl went in to see the two cats again, THIS is how she found them. And now Ginger and the naughty kitten get along very well... most of the time!