

2018-03-23    01'25''

主播: 永军读英语

13 1

Fecal Incontinence in Adults Fecal incontinence is a devastating nonfatal illness, resulting in considerable embarrassment and anxiety in those who have it. It affects 2 to 17% of people living in the community and almost half of all nursing home residents. Many affected persons do not voluntarily report fecal incontinence to their physicians and must be asked about it directly. The prevalence of fecal incontinence is increased among women, the elderly, persons with poor health status or physical limitations, and those residing in nursing homes. Continence relies on the appropriate functioning of the puborectalis muscle and the internal and external anal sphincter muscles, which encircle the anal canal.  Factors such as stool consistency, rectal and colonic storage capacity, perception of rectal sensation, and cognitive and behavioral functioning also play important roles. An abnormality in any of these factors may result in fecal incontinence.