2016-05-23    02'32''

主播: 刘大芊•Tina

94 5

关于-原创专辑封面的英文赏析 因为磨磨唧唧浪费了很多时间才匆匆写完,第一遍读难免卡,希望明天演讲顺利,还有多多练习吧,字数时间好像都不够不管了睡吧宝贝 As you can see,I created an album cover has two characters.The girl who uses one hand to hold a rose as a microphone to sing and the other hand to lead a rabbit to dance in the beach. They enjoy the sun and the sea.The natural scenic beach can reflect the type of music is rustic style with delightful melody and catchy lyrics. Also animal and girl usually connect with children. So the target audience is child or teenager. They wear blue dress and red kilt.The colorful color is a symbol of spring that makes people become more spiritual.Looks girl’s facial expression and pose,she closes her eyes and tilts the foot.Therefore,we can guess the tone of this song might be relaxing and happy.I think the children and teenager will love this song. There have two ideas let me chose in designing this cover. First,I think animals just like our close friends that can bring us different delights and accompany with us never be separate.Other reasons are the animal that I like the most are the rabbit that just like a kind of symbol of me. Second, it's a day no matter whether you live it happily or not. This sentence is my life maxim that teaches me to be happy is necessary for everyday. So I used the lovely scene to express my thoughts that you should keep smiling any time.Happiness should be creat by yourself.Just like the girl who takes the rose to sing that makes her feel enjoyable.It shows a kind of positive energy which can let people feel full of energy. Totally,this cover lets us know this is a positive song which can bring us happiness.