My draft✍🏻

My draft✍🏻

2016-05-29    03'58''

主播: 刘大芊•Tina

18 1

未完成的初稿✍-Tina Album cover: One direction is my favorite boy band.The song of them is full of energy that can encourage people to do what they like.When I feel upset or getting trouble I usually can feel more comfortable and see the hopeful to cheer me up by their song.Therefore I am a super fan of them. “Up All Night”is the first disc since they form a band.So this disc has the different and special meaning of them,also the success of their debut album still encourage them to make more nice songs to the fans who support them at all the time. The main characters are the members in the middle of an album cover.Blue,green,white and brown was predominant color on the cover.The warm color can connect with the nature scene to make the cover looks more naive and natural to close to the singers’ age.Looks their facial expresstion,the natural smiling and naughty action show the songs in this album are positive and passionate.Even the people didn’t listen to the music,but through the cover they can almost know the type of this album cover is POP music and they can make a choice easily.In my opinion,an album cover is good or not depends on the whether it can attrack people’s attention.The good album cover has correct title that can let people know more informtion.Suitable colors that usually according to the type of the songs in the disc.Simple text information just like the company’s name,band’s name or something else.Creative design can high line the unique feature of the songs and attrack more peope to buy it. Just one example,the most popular song“What Makes You Beautiful”got a lot of awards in this disc,like it debuted at number one on the UK Singles Chart after setting a Sony Music Entertainment pre-order record and selling 153,965 copies in its first week. It is a large number and the success of them can also motivates the person who love music to create more classical or popular songs.The lyrics said “You don’t know you are beautiful”.It gives person a kind of positive energy to makes people more confident.By the way,the brisk pace and lilt give people a cheerful mood. The other songs in this album cover also follow the same purpose that cheer up the listeners.