

2016-07-08    07'55''

主播: 刘大芊•Tina

109 6

5️⃣今天录了一个有关食物part3的特别惊喜的一天,开心开心,碎觉碎觉~/BGM:《try》 Part 3 (4-5 minutes) Subtopic 1 : Chinese food and western food How does western food like KFC impact (on) traditional Chinese food? Do you think traditional Chinese food will be more popular in the future? In your view, how is western food different from Chinese food? Subtopic2 : eating at home In your country, do family members often eat at home together? Do you think it important for people to eat at home? Subtopic3 : food safety ls food safety a serious problem in your country? Do schools and universities provide healthy food for students in your country? charm n.魔力 wholemeal bread 全麦面包 homesick adj.想家的 intimate adj.亲密的 food-posioning 食物中毒 previous adj.从前的 relevant adj.相关的