

2015-01-09    05'12''

主播: EZFM China Drive

2299 91

美国康乃狄克州法院判决,一名患有何杰金氏淋巴瘤的17岁少女必须接受化疗,虽然她自己并不情愿。 CBS News: The Connecticut Supreme Court ruled Thursday that a 17-year-old girl Cassandra with cancer must continue to get chemotherapy against her will. 这位化名卡桑德拉的女孩向法院控告州政府儿童暨家庭厅强行把她从家里带走,并强迫她接受化疗。她认为尽管自己还未年满18岁,却应该有权决定自己是否接受医疗。但是法院认为她应该继续治疗。 The girl, identified in court documents as Cassandra C., had asked the court to allow her to make her own medical decisions, even though she won't turn 18 until September. But local media reports the justices unanimously upheld a lower court ruling ordering her to continue treatment. 据美联社报道,卡桑德拉目前正在当地一所医院被迫接受化疗。医生认为她有85%的治愈率,而放弃治疗的话可能就只有两年可活了。 The Associated Press reports Cassandra currently is confined in a room at Connecticut Children's Medical Center in Hartford, where she is being forced to undergo chemotherapy. Doctors said the treatment would give her an 85 percent chance of survival, but without it she would likely die within two years. 此前,卡桑德拉家人曾想为她寻找其它替代疗法,但法院要求她必须接受化疗。两次化疗后,她从家中逃走。法院因此认为她尚不成熟,不足以自己决定自己的医疗文案。