

2015-01-12    03'02''

主播: EZFM China Drive

2722 116

科学家发现,出生在太阳活动较小年的人,平均寿命比出生在太阳活动活跃期的人长五年。 In an unusual study, Norwegian scientists claim people born during periods of solar calm may live around five years longer than those born when the sun is feisty. 科学家们表示,太阳活动活跃期,对地球的紫外线辐射会增强。这将让孕妈妈体内携带的叶酸或维生素B9减少,从而造成胎儿的死亡,因为这两样物质是怀孕期间胚胎分裂和快速成长必不可少之物。 They argue peak solar activity brings higher levels of ultraviolet radiation to Earth, which may increase infant mortality by degrading folic acid, or vitamin B9. Both of these are key to rapid cell division and growth that happens during pregnancy. 研究人员表示,太阳活动会减小婴儿顺利成长为成年人的几率。研究还发现,似乎太阳活动对女孩的影响要大于男孩。 Researchers say, solar activity at birth decreased the probability of survival to adulthood, thus truncating average lifespan. The study claims there was a stronger effect on girls than boys.