

2015-01-15    04'42''

主播: EZFM China Drive

2592 120

话说谷歌整出了一个叫“谷歌翻译”的玩意儿,号称文字、语音都能翻。 AFP: Google began turning smartphones into real-time language translators -- of both written and spoken content. 而且这厮野心很大,不光想着能够帮到偶尔出国旅游的用户,还希望能够成为老师、医务人员、警察和许多职业人士的掌中宝。毕竟现在的人类社会越来越开放、多元,生活工作中遇见个把讲不同语言的老外都是很正常的事。 The California-based Internet titan is hoping that, along with making it easier for people to understand one another on their travels, Google Translate will serve as a useful tool for teachers, medical personnel, police and others with important roles in increasingly multi-lingual communities. 于是谷歌本周三推出新版的谷歌翻译。安装了这款应用的用户呢,可以把手机对准任何指示牌、菜单、菜谱,也不管是法语、德语、意大利语、葡萄牙语、俄语、西班牙语的内容,统统都可以翻成英语。 The company on Wednesday began rolling out a new version of a free Google Translate application that, in part, lets people point Android or Apple smartphones at signs, menus, recipes or other material written in French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, or Spanish and see it in English.