

2015-03-10    04'16''

主播: EZFM China Drive

964 79

A Swiss solar-powered plane took off from Abu Dhabi early Monday, marking the start of the first attempt to fly around the world without a drop of fuel. 来自瑞士的“阳光动力2号”本周一在阿联酋首都阿布扎比出发,展开为期5个月左右的环球之旅。全程将“不使用一滴石油”。 Solar Impulse founder André Borschberg was at the controls of the single-seater when it took off from the Al Bateen Executive Airport. Borschberg will trade off piloting with Solar Impulse co-founder Bertrand Piccard during stop-overs on a journey that will take months to complete. “阳光动力2号”将由“阳光动力”项目的联合发起人贝特兰德·皮卡德和安德烈·博尔施伯格轮流驾驶。 The Swiss pilots say their aim is to create awareness about replacing "old polluting technologies with clean and efficient technologies." 两位项目发起人表示,“阳光动力号”的诞生并不是为了制造新一代太阳能载客飞机,而是希望通过这次环球飞行传递这样一个信息:清洁能源完全能替代制造污染的其他能源。 日前,“阳光动力2号”公布了飞行路线图。在长达3.5万公里的飞行旅途中,它将降落12次。飞行的起点和终点均为阿布扎比,期间它将在阿曼的马斯喀特首次降落,然后横跨阿拉伯海抵达印度,随后继续飞行,到达缅甸、中国、美国夏威夷和纽约等地。 “阳光动力2号”将在中国停留两站,分别是重庆和南京。