出国旅游还是要谨记No Zuo No Die

出国旅游还是要谨记No Zuo No Die

2015-03-12    03'38''

主播: EZFM China Drive

1173 154

一名中国游客在尼泊尔漂流,因为不穿救生衣下河游泳,失踪两周后遗体在下游被找到。 New Strait Times: local police said Wednesday a Chinese tourist drowned while swimming in a river in western Nepal, as they discovered his body 17 days after the accident occurred. The 27-year-old man was on a rafting trip down Nepal&`&s Kali Gandaki river with four other tourists and they had camped on the banks before deciding to go for a swim on 22 February. An Assistant sub-inspector says he was swept away by the river and did not have a life jacket on. Chettri told media that a local fisherman alerted them about the body. It was found about one kilometre from his camping site.