

2015-03-13    04'21''

主播: EZFM China Drive

1182 123

现在越来越多的人对香水过敏。而且不光是香水,还有些人对空气清新剂、香薰蜡烛、沐浴液、化妆品、除臭剂、洗衣粉之类的东西反应强烈。 Nowadays there is an increasing numbers of people is allergic to perfume. Not just in scents: anything from air freshener and scented candles to perfumed body lotions, make-up, deodorant and washing powder can suddenly make these people violently ill. 气味在我们身边无处不在。很多常见的生活用品里都加了香味。这些都能引起或强或弱的过敏反应。 We are surrounded by scent. Fragrance is added to toilet rolls, bin liners, even socks, yet reports suggest that perfumed products are causing allergic reactions including eczema and dermatitis, asthma and migraines in a rapidly growing group of us. 今年欧盟出台的新规定,禁止香水制造商在产品中使用橡苔,香水行业将被迫调整一些经典款香水的配方了。 This year, the perfume industry will have to reformulate several classic fragrances due to a European Commission ruling banning the use of oakmoss. 那么问题来了,香水和韭菜盒子比起来,哪个杀伤力更大些? 如果韭菜盒子可以被禁,那么公共场合下打香水是不是也需要一些节制呢?