

2019-05-23    04'13''

主播: 布衣之声

1677 10

The Dandelions Author: Suiyuan Tr: Lingnanbuyi In my heart There is a cluster of dandelions That fly quietly Into small umbrellas one another With a dream of a home Floating far away In my heart There is a cluster Of blooming dandelions Their blood flows continuously Spreading all directions into the world With their eyes Always in the direction of home When the dandelions are found deep into the soil And the branches and leaves clenched to the earth Reaching out their long stems To the sun And bloom yellow flowers One after another On the vast grasslands On the majestic mountains And on the steep cliffs Slender petals each other Hugs tightly Under the leafy trees Between the dew-dripping grass And on the path of the bluestones Every time the eyes are extremly bright When intertwining with each other The dandelions ordinarily Plays the symphonic sound of life Releasing strongly The power of pursuit Like chrysanthemum And even like peonies Before the arrival of October The dandelions Having experienced storms The strong branches and leaves Become withered mercilessly And the petals of angel All over the groud But the little dandelions Weak but firm and inflexible The vast sky is calling The boundless earth is calling Gradually the dandelions Open their bright eyes Even if only a little bit remains I still want To use persistent growth With unyielding feathers To light the spark To make a prairie fire Finally the October comes The dandelions Blooming flowers and fruits With the wind Wave farewell to their mother...