

2019-05-25    01'59''

主播: 布衣之声

1548 16

Never regret on anything.Because they were once what you wanted.Regreting will bring you nothing.You can forget. Or you can try. Forget. And then you can live your beautiful life without any burden.Life is so wonderful. How can we bury so much time into the past? Only by forgetting can you avoid to be trapped.Only by forgetting can you walk towards the kind of life that you want with lighter steps. Try. And then you can make up for the mistakes that you once made.All those mistakes in the past came because of our incompetence . And wherever there is incompetence, there is room for progress.If you couldn&`&t make it,try to make it now.If you couldn&`&t get something,try to get it now. Life is precious. And so is time. Don&`&t waste them in regretting.