天天口语营-Rainworks  下雨天 让世界更美好

天天口语营-Rainworks 下雨天 让世界更美好

2016-03-25    08'15''

主播: 每日听写

464 44

The very first one I did said "Stay Dry Out There" 我创作的第一个作品是「让潮湿远离你」 and had a bunch a rain drops falling on it. 有大量的雨水落在它上面 It was on a bus stop. 那是在一个公车站旁 And now there's about 25 to 30 rainworks out there 而现在大概有 25 到 30 个雨天创作 There's a lily pad and pond 这是在巴拉德的睡莲和池塘 with frogs hopping between them in Ballard. 上面有青蛙在莲叶间跳跃 There's "I Heart Rain" in UW. 这是在威斯康辛大学的「我爱雨天」 At 4th and Bell it says "Worry is a Misuse of the Imagination". 在贝尔顿的「忧虑,是把想像力用错了地方」 There's "Today's Weather: Rain" in Fremont. 这是在弗里蒙特的「今日天气:雨」 There's "Proud To Be Rainy" in Capitol Hill 这是在国会山的「我以下雨为荣」 There's hopscotch at the junction in West Seattle 这是在西雅图西部的跳房子 And we want to make way more. 我们还想再创造更多作品 I mean it's gonna rain no matter what so why not do something cool with it! 我的意思是,无论如何都会下雨,不如把它变得更酷!