

2016-12-02    25'01''

主播: 英语直播间

573 65

When she first moved to China, mushroom lover Mari Marrinen was very surprised by how much the edible fungi was part of the vast Chinese cuisine. "When I came to China four years ago, I was totally shocked when I realised that they also have a lot of mushroom dishes " she says Filled with excitement, this mushroom fan decided do some detective work on what makes Chinese mushrooms unique from anything she’s seen or tried back in her home country, Finland; an expedition that would convince her together with a friend, to document China’s mushroom culture in a cook book, (Suomalaisia Sieniruokia Kiinalaisella Otteella), which loosely translates to “Finnish mushroom dishes with a Chinese Twist” Her mushroom adventures in China have taken her to forests and mountains in China's Jilin province where she experienced how different it is to hunt in that part of the world, although equally as fun.