170621 经典文学《简·爱》 第182期

170621 经典文学《简·爱》 第182期

2017-06-21    01'24''

主播: Fred英语笔记

4472 207

The party were expected to arrive on Thursday afternoon, in time for dinner at six. 这批客人预计星期四下午到达,赶上六点钟吃晚饭。 During the intervening period I had no time to nurse chimeras. 在等待期间我没有工夫去胡思乱想了。 And I believe I was as active and gay as anybody -- Adèle excepted. 我想我跟其他人一样卖力、一样高兴--阿黛勒除外。 Still, now and then, I received a damping check to my cheerfulness, 不过我时时会感到扫兴, and was, in spite of myself, thrown back on the region of doubts and portents, and dark conjectures. 情不自禁地回想起那些疑惑、凶兆和不祥的猜测。 This was when I chanced to see the third-storey staircase door (which of late had always been kept locked) open slowly, 那就是当我偶尔看到三楼楼梯的门慢悠悠地打开(近来常常锁着), and give passage to the form of Grace Poole, in prim cap, white apron, and handkerchief. 格雷斯·普尔戴着整洁的帽子,系着围裙,揣着手帕。 经典文学《简·爱》 When I watched her glide along the gallery, her quiet tread muffled in a list slipper. 从那里经过时。我瞧着她溜过走廊,穿着布拖鞋,脚步声减低到很轻很轻。 When I saw her look into the bustling, topsy-turvy bedrooms, just say a word, perhaps, 我看见她往闹哄哄乱糟糟的卧房里瞧了一瞧,只不过说一两句话, to the charwoman about the proper way to polish a grate, or clean a marble mantelpiece, 也许是给打杂女工们交代恰当的清扫方法:如何擦炉栅,如何清理大理石壁炉架, or take stains from papered walls, and then pass on. 要不如何从糊了墙纸的墙上把缎子取下。说完便又往前走了。 She would thus descend to the kitchen once a day, eat her dinner, smoke a moderate pipe on the hearth, 她一天下楼到厨房里走一次,来吃饭,在炉边有节制地吸一烟斗烟, and go back, carrying her pot of porter with her, for her private solace, in her own gloomy, upper haunt. 随后就返回,带上一罐黑啤酒,在楼上阴暗的巢穴里独自消遣。 Only one hour in the twenty-four did she pass with her fellow-servants below. 一天二十四小时中,她只有一小时同楼下别的佣人呆在一起, All the rest of her time was spent in some low-ceiled, oaken chamber of the second storey. 其余时间是在三层楼上某个橡木卧室低矮的天花板下度过的。 There she sat and sewed — and probably laughed drearily to herself, as companionless as a prisoner in his dungeon. 她坐在那里做着针线活 — 也许还兀自凄楚地大笑起来——像监狱里的犯人一样无人作伴。