今日单词 | fruitful, whim, spiff up

今日单词 | fruitful, whim, spiff up

2019-04-29    08'25''

主播: Fred英语笔记

11422 80

1.fruitful adj. 富有成果的 e.g. It was a most fruitful discussion, with both sides agreeing to adopt a common policy. 这是一次富有成果的讨论,双方一致采用共同的政策。 2.whim CN 突发的念头,一时的兴致 on a whim 一时心血来潮地 e.g. We bought the house on a whim. 我们一时冲动买了这所房子。 at the whim of 随着某人的兴致 e.g. My duties seem to change daily at the whim of the boss. 我的职责似乎随着老板的兴致每天改变。 at whim 随心所欲地 e.g. He appeared and disappeared at whim. 他想来就来,想走就走。 satisfy sb's every whim 为了使某人开心而尽可能地满足某人 e.g. Her husband tries to satisfy her every whim. [=make her happy by doing everything that she wants] 她丈夫为了使她开心而尽可能地满足她的要求。 3.spiff up sth./sb. 使......更干净简洁/有吸引力 e.g. She wants to spiff up her wardrobe. 她想清理一下衣橱。 e.g. The company is trying to spiff up [=improve] its image. 这家公司在努力提升自己的形象。 e.g. A fresh coat of paint would really spiff the place up. 新刷的油漆使这块地方更简洁/好看。