

2017-11-10    03'56''

主播: 英伦好声音

2879 199

(下拉有中英对照文本) From her position high up on their shoulders Sido could see every detail of the scene before her. A huge fire had been lit in the prison courtyard, which added an eerie light to the pile of bodies heaped together, many with their limbs hacked off, while around the railings to the prison the faces of the citizens pressed closer, eager to have a look at the new butchers of Paris. The dogs, freed at last, were licking the ground as the men sat by the heaped corpses, eating their lunch and laughing heartily, holding up wine bottles and dipping their bread in the blood. Sido在他们肩膀上,可以看到面前的一切。监狱的院子里已经点亮了火,为整个院子添上了怪异的光,尸体堆积在一起,四肢已经砍掉了,周围的栏杆处,公民们围在那里,想要看一看成为屠夫之城的巴黎。这些狗终于放了出来,它们正在舔着地面,人们坐在堆着的尸体旁边,吃着午餐,开怀大笑,举起酒瓶,把面包浸在血液里。 Sido, still held up high, floated through this unreal world. She fixed her eyes on the gate, sure that if she were to look away for a moment all chance of freedom would vanish. She was set down outside to join the press of onlookers. Life is mine, she said to herself, and with those words she felt the thrill of freedom. Suddenly, an arm locked itself tightly around her waist and a hand, a black-gloved hand, covered her face. Her freedom had lasted for less than a minute. She was pushed into Kalliovski’s carriage and fell back heavily against the velvet cushions. The feel of the luxurious fabric went through her body like an electric shock. She let out a scream as the automaton slumped forward across her lap. She pushed it back, gasping at the ghostly apparition of Madame Perrien. Sido漂浮在这个虚幻的世界里。眼睛盯着大门,如果她把目光移开,自由将不复存在。她被安排到外面加入围观人群。 生活是我自己的,她对自己说,这些话,让她感到自由,也很兴奋。 突然,一只手臂紧紧搂住了她的腰,一只手,一只戴着黑色手套的手,遮住了她的脸。她的自由持续了不到一分钟。 她被推到了Kalliovski的马车上,重重坐在天鹅绒垫子上。这种奢华布料的触感像触电一样穿过她的身体。机器人碰到Sido的膝盖,她发出了一声尖叫。她把它推回去,气喘吁吁地盯着Perrien夫人。 “I owe you an apology,” said Citizen Kalliovski. “I had hoped to get your release papers signed before this bloodbath began.” She looked at him in horror. Then, remembering the agreement, she asked, “My father, did you get his release papers?” Kalliovski took a letter from his pocket. He dangled it in front of her. “I said to you that if you came willingly, your father would be released. Do you come willingly?” She sat as far away from him as she could, pushing herself into the seat. “Do you?” Sido nodded. “我应该向你道歉,”公民Kalliovski说。“我本希望在这场大屠杀开始之前就能得到你的释放文件。” 她惊恐地看着他。然后,想起了这个协议,她问:“我父亲,你收到他的文件了吗?” Kalliovski从口袋里掏出一封信。在她面前晃来晃去。 “我跟对你说,如果你愿意来,你的父亲就能得到释放。你愿意来吗?” 她坐在离他很远的地方,自己坐着。 “你愿意吗?” Sido点点头。 “Kiss me then, show me that you mean it.” Sido sat trembling, battling with herself. Finally, taking a deep breath, she bent forward to kiss him on the cheek. He grabbed her, and pressing his thumb and forefinger into her jaw forced her to look at him. His lips, like a blood-filled wound, came closer and without thinking she spat at him. Kalliovski hit her hard across her cheek, making her eyes smart with pain, and threw her back into the seat. Bringing out a pure white handkerchief he opened it up carefully and wiped his face. “Who would have thought you had such a wild spirit. It will be a pleasure to break it.” He laughed. “And break it I will. Shall I comfort you a little after your ordeal by saying that even if you had come willingly, I would not have had your father freed? I don’t like what is happening but there is something inevitable about it, certain poetry. Your father and all his spoiled and silly kind have brought this upon themselves.” “那就吻我,让我知道你是认真的。”Sido战战兢兢地坐在那里,跟自己做斗争。最后,她深吸了一口气,弯下腰,吻了吻他的脸颊。他抓住Sido,用大拇指和食指捏住她的下巴,强迫她看着他。他的嘴唇,像一个充满血的伤口,越靠越近,却没有想到她朝他吐了口水。 Kalliovski重重地打了她一巴掌,让她的眼睛一痛,然后把她扔回到了座位上。他拿出一块纯白色的手帕,仔细打开,擦了擦脸。 “没想到你这么有野性呢?打破这种野性将是一种乐趣。”他笑了。“我要打破它。既然这样,就算你心甘情愿地来,我也不会放你父亲自由,这样好吗?我不喜欢正在发生的事情,但这无法避免。你父亲和他那被宠坏了的傻孩子给自己带来了不幸。” He knocked on the ceiling of the carriage and it started to move slowly away through the crowd. “Would you like to know what today is?” Sido turned away and looked out of the darkened windows. “The day the box of demons was opened,” she said quietly, more to herself than to him. “No, ma chérie,” he said, smiling. “Today is our wedding day.” 他敲了敲车厢的天花板,慢慢穿过人群。 “你想知道今天是什么日子吗?” Sido转过身去,望着昏暗的窗户。 “魔鬼的盒子被打开的那一天,”她平静地说,更多的是对自己说,而不是他说。 “不,夫人,”他笑着说。“今天是我们结婚的日子。” ----每周一/三/五晚更---- 【文本翻译均为电台英伦好声音读给你听所有,转载请联系播主并注明】