中英配文 汤老湿朗读《还乡》 托马斯哈代 第一章 9

中英配文 汤老湿朗读《还乡》 托马斯哈代 第一章 9

2018-04-13    02'42''

主播: 英伦好声音

1497 11

(点击右边黑三角下拉有中英配文) Above the plain rose the hill, above the hill rose the barrow, and above the barrow rose the figure. Above the figure was nothing that could be mapped elsewhere than on a celestial globe. 这片郁苍重叠的丘阜,让这个形状一装点,就显得又完整又美妙,它们所以应该有那样一幅规模,显然就是因为有这个形状。 Such a perfect, delicate, and necessary finish did the figure give to the dark pile of hills that it seemed to be the only obvious justification of their outline. Without it, there was the dome without the lantern; with it the architectural demands of the mass were satisfied. 要是群山之上,没有这个形状,那就好像一个圆形屋顶上没有亭形天窗一样;有了这个形状,然后那一片迤逦铺张的底座,才显得没有艺术上的缺陷。 The scene was strangely homogeneous, in that the vale, the upland, the barrow, and the figure above it amounted only to unity. Looking at this or that member of the group was not observing a complete thing, but a fraction of a thing. 那一大片景物,说起来很特别,处处都协调,那片山谷、那个山峦那座古冢,还有古冢上那个形状,都是全部里面缺一不可的东西。要是观察这片景物,只看这一部分,或者只看那一部分,那都只能算是冰山一角,而不能算是看见全貌。 The form was so much like an organic part of the entire motionless structure that to see it move would h@ve impressed the mind as a strange phenomenon. Imobility being the chief characteristic of that whole which the person formed portion of, the discontinuance of imobility in any quarter suggested confusion. 这一个形状,和这一片静静的结构,既然好像是手臂相连,完全一体,那么要是这一体之中,忽然看见形状自己单独活动起来,那我们心里,一定要觉得是一种很奇怪的现象的了。在形状只占一部分这片景物上,既然全体里最显著的特点,就是静止固定,那么要是其中有一部分,忽然不静止、不固定起来,那当然要让人生出混乱的感觉来的了。 Yet that is what happened. The figure perceptibly g@ve up its fixity, shifted a step or two, and turned round. As if alarmed, it descended on the right side of the barrow, with the glide of a water-drop down a bud, and then vanished. The movement had been sufficient to show more clearly the characteristics of the figure, and that it was a woman's. 然而当时发生的,却正是这种事实。因为那个形状,分明改变了固定的状态,挪动了一两步,并且把身子一转。它好像吃了一惊似的,急忙从古冢右面往下跑去,快得像花朵儿上溜下去的露水珠儿一般,一转眼就看不见了。它这一活动,已经足以把它的特点表示得更清楚了;只见那个形体是一个女子的。 The reason of her sudden displacement now appeared. With her dropping out of sight on the right side, a newcomer, bearing a burden, protruded into the sky on the left side, ascended the tumulus, and deposited the burden on the top. A second followed, then a third, a fourth, a fifth, and ultimately the whole barrow was peopled with burdened figures. 那个女子忽然躲开的原因,现在明白了。原来她刚从古冢右边跑了下去,跟着古冢左边的天空里,就露出一个人来,肩上担着东西;那个人上了古冢,就把担的东西放在古冢顶儿上。只见他身后面还跟了一个,跟了两个,三个,四个;到后来,那座古冢上面,全叫担着东西的人占满了。 The only intelligible meaning in this sky-backed pantomime of silhouettes was that the woman had no relation to the forms who had taken her place, was sedulously @voiding these, and had come thither for another object than theirs. 现在只看这些负天而来的哑剧演员,还看不出什么别的情况;仅仅有一样事可以猜得出来,那就是,原先那个女子,和这些把她挤走了的人,并没有什么关系。她本是小心在意躲避他们的,并且她到古冢上来的目的,也和他们的不同。 The imagination of the observer clung by preference to that vanished, solitary figure, as to something more interesting, more important, more likely to h@ve a history worth knowing than these newcomers, and unconsciously regarded them as intruders. 现在只看这些负天而来的哑剧演员,还看不出什么别的情况;仅仅有一样事可以猜得出来,那就是,原先那个女,和这些把她挤走了的人,并没有什么关系。她本是小心在意躲避他们的,并且她到古冢上来的目的,也和他们的不同。那位远观景物的旅客,心里老惦着那位已经走了的女子,好像觉得她比刚来的那些人会更重要,会更有意思,会更有值得听一听的身世,因此就不知不觉地把那些刚来的人,看成了乱来硬闯。 But they remained, and established themselves; and the lonely person who hitherto had been queen of the solitude did not at present seem likely to return. 但是那一班人却在那个地方上待下了,把那个地方占据了,而那位单独行动的女子,虽然先前像女王一般,独自统领了这片荒僻的原野,现在却好像一时半刻难再回来—— ----每周一/三/五晚更---- 【文本翻译均为电台英伦好声音读给你听所有,转载请联系播主并注明】