中英配文 汤老湿朗读《还乡》 托马斯哈代 第一章 10

中英配文 汤老湿朗读《还乡》 托马斯哈代 第一章 10

2018-04-16    03'00''

主播: 英伦好声音

316 14

(点击右边黑三角下拉有中英配文) 3 - The Custom of the Country 第一卷 三女性 三 乡间旧俗 Had a looker-on been posted in the imediate vicinity of the barrow, he would h@ve learned that these persons were boys and men of the neighbouring hamlets. Each, as he ascended the barrow, had been he@vily laden with furze faggots, carried upon the shoulder by means of a long stake sharpened at each end for impaling them easily--two in front and two behind. They came from a part of the heath a quarter of a mile to the rear, where furze almost exclusively prevailed as a product. 假使有一个旁观者,当时紧站在古冢的旁边,那他一定能看出来,来到冢上那些人,全是附近一带那些小村庄里的老老少少。他们每一位,上了古冢的时候,都挑着四捆很重的常青棘,用一根两端削尖了的长木棍,不用费事就把棘捆横着穿透了,挑在肩头,前面两捆,后面两捆。他们来的地方,是山后面离这儿有四分之一英里的荒原;在那儿,差不多不长别的东西,只有常青棘,漫山遍野。 Every individual was so involved in furze by his method of carrying the faggots that he appeared like a bush on legs till he had thrown them down. The party had marched in trail, like a tr@velling flock of sheep; that is to say, the strongest first, the weak and young behind. 这种挑东西的方法,把整个的人都叫常青棘裹起来了,所以每一个人还没把棘捆放下的时候,都像一丛长腿行动的灌木。他们一路之上,按部就班地走来,好像走路的羊群;换一种说法,就是一个顶强壮的在前面领路,年幼力弱的在后面跟随。 The loads were all laid together, and a pyramid of furze thirty feet in circumference now occupied the crown of the tumulus, which was known as Rainbarrow for many miles round. 一担一担的棘捆,全堆在一起了,一个由常青棘垒成的金字塔,周围有三十英尺,把那个古冢的顶儿占住了,四处许多英里的地方上都管那个古冢叫雨冢。 Some made themselves busy with matches, and in selecting the driest tufts of furze, others in loosening the bramble bonds which held the faggots together. Others, again, while this was in progress, lifted their eyes and swept the vast expanse of country comanded by their position, now lying nearly obliterated by shade. In the valleys of the heath nothing s@ve its own wild face was visible at any time of day; but this spot comanded a horizon enclosing a tract of far extent, and in many cases lying beyond the heath country. None of its features could be seen now, but the whole made itself felt as a vague stretch of remoteness. 那时候,他们那一群人里面,有的忙着去找火柴,拣顶干的棘丛,又有的就忙着去解束棘捆的荆条。这班人正这样忙碌的时候,又有一班人就居高临下,眺览面前那一大片让夜色笼罩得模糊溟-的原野。在荒原的山谷里面,一天里无论哪个时候,除了荒原自己的荒芜地面,看不见别的东西;但是在雨冢上面,却可以俯视老大一片原野,并且有许多荒原以外的地方,都可以收入眼界之中。现在原野上的细情,是一样也看不见的了,但是原野全体,却令人生出一片广漠、无限邈远的感觉。 While the men and lads were building the pile, a change took place in the mass of shade which denoted the distant landscape. Red suns and tufts of fire one by one began to arise, flecking the whole country round. They were the bonfires of other parishes and hamlets that were engaged in the same sort of comemoration. Some were distant, and stood in a dense atmosphere, so that bundles of pale straw-like beams radiated around them in the shape of a fan. Some were large and near, glowing scarlet-red from the shade, like wounds in a black hide. 大人和孩子们正在那儿把棘捆堆成一垛的时候,那一大片表示远方景物的苍冥夜色里发生了变化。许多火光,有的像红日一团,有的像草丛四布,一个一个陆续发出,星星点点地散布在四围的荒原上。原来旁的教区和别的村落,也都正在举行同样的纪念;这些亮光,就是他们那儿点起来的祝火。有些祝火,离得很远,又笼罩在浓密的大气里,因此有一股一股麦秆一般的淡黄光线,在祝火周围像扇子似的往外辐射。另一些祝火大而且近,叫暝暝的夜色衬得一片猩红,看着好像黑色兽皮上的创口伤痕。 Some were Maenades, with winy faces and blown hair. These tinctured the silent bosom of the clouds above them and lit up their ephemeral c@ves, which seemed thenceforth to become scalding caldrons. Perhaps as many as thirty bonfires could be counted within the whole bounds of the district; and as the hour may be told on a clock-face when the figures themselves are invisible, so did the men recognize the locality of each fire by its angle and direction, though nothing of the scenery could be viewed. 又有一些,就跟蛮那狄司一样,有酒泛醉颜的红脸,随风披散的头发。最后这一种,还把它们上面云翳静静的虚胸轻轻地染了一层颜色,把云翳倏忽变化的巨洞映得通红,好像它们经此一照,一下变成了烫人的鼎镬。所有全境以内,差不多能数出三十处祝火来;那时地上的景物,虽然一样也看不见,但是雨冢上的人,却能按照每个祝火的方向和角度,认出它所在的地点,仿佛看不见钟上的数码,却照旧能说出钟上的时刻来那样。 ----每周一/三/五晚更---- 【文本翻译均为电台英伦好声音读给你听所有,转载请联系播主并注明】