中英配文 汤老湿朗读《还乡》 托马斯哈代 第一章 15

中英配文 汤老湿朗读《还乡》 托马斯哈代 第一章 15

2018-04-27    02'56''

主播: 英伦好声音

652 27

(点击右边黑三角下拉有中英配文) 'Well, be damned if there isn't Mis'ess Yeobright a-standing up,' I said to myself. Yes, neighbours, though I was in the temple of prayer that's what I said. 'Tis against my conscience to curse and swear in company, and I hope any woman here will overlook it. Still what I did say I did say, and 'twould be a lie if I didn't own it." 俺就跟自己说啦:‘该死的,这不是姚伯太太站起来了才怪哪。’街坊们,不错,虽然那时俺在神圣的教堂里,俺可当真那样说来着。眼前站着这么些人,说话咒骂人,凭良心说,俺觉得不对,堂客们顶好别过意才好。不过真是真,假是假,俺实在说那种话来着么,俺不认账,那岂不是撒谎了吗?” "So 'twould, neighbor Fairway." “不错,费韦街坊。” "'Be damned if there isn't Mis'ess Yeobright a-standing up,' I said," the narrator repeated, giving out the bad word with the same passionless severity of face as before, which proved how entirely necessity and not gusto had to do with the iteration. "And the next thing I heard was, 'I forbid the banns,' from her. 'I'll speak to you after the service,' said the parson, in quite a homely way--yes, turning all at once into a comon man no holier than you or I. “‘该死的,这不是姚伯太太站起来了才怪哪,’俺说,”说故事的费韦,把前面那句话又说了一遍,说那两个咒骂字眼的时候,脸上仍旧是以前那种不动声色的严肃态度;那无非是证明,他这样说,并不是由于自己的高兴,却是由于事实的必要。“姚伯太太站起来以后,就听见她说:‘我反对这个结婚通告。’牧师一听,就说:‘作完了礼拜,我再和你讲好啦。’牧师说这句话的时候,像说家常话似的,不错,那时那位牧师,一下子变得和你我一样,一点儿也不神圣了。 Ah, her face was pale! Maybe you can call to mind that monument in Weatherbury church—the cross-legged soldier that h@ve had his arm knocked away by the schoolchildren? Well, he would about h@ve matched that woman's face, when she said, 'I forbid the banns.'" 哎呀,姚伯太太的脸真白得厉害!你们记得教堂里那个石头人儿吧——那个扭着腿、叫小学生把鼻子打掉了的石头兵?姚伯太太说‘我反对这个结婚通告’的时候,她脸上的气色,就和那个石头兵一样。” The audience cleared their throats and tossed a few stalks into the fire, not because these deeds were urgent, but to give themselves time to weigh the moral of the story. 听这个故事的人,都轻轻地咳嗽,打扫清理他们的嗓子,同时把几块小棘枝儿,都拨弄到火里去;他们这样作,并不是因为非这样不可,却是因为这样一来,他们就可以有工夫琢磨这段故事里的意义了。 "I'm sure when I heard they'd been forbid I felt as glad as if anybody had gied me sixpence," said an earnest voice--that of Olly Dowden, a woman who lived by making heath brooms, or besoms. Her nature was to be civil to enemies as well as to friends, and grateful to all the world for letting her remain alive. “俺听说他们的结婚通告叫人反对了,俺就喜欢得跟有人给了俺六便士①一样。”只听一个女人很诚恳地说;这个女人叫奥雷-道敦,平常编石南扫帚过活,其实她这个人,本是不论对仇家,对朋友,全一样地和气;并且因为她能在世上活着,对于全世界都很感激:因为这才是她的天性。 "And now the maid h@ve married him just the same," said Humphrey. “这阵儿这个姑娘还不是一样地嫁给他了吗?”赫飞说。 "After that Mis'ess Yeobright came round and was quite agreeable," Fairway resumed, with an unheeding air, to show that his words were no appendage to Humphrey's, but the result of independent reflection. “有了那一场风波以后,姚伯太太就把气儿消啦,很能凑合了。”费韦带着不理会赫飞的神气,把旧话重新提起来,表明他这番话,并不是赫飞的马后炮,而完全是他个人琢磨出来的。 "Supposing they were ashamed, I don't see why they shouldn't h@ve done it here-right," said a wide-spread woman whose stays creaked like shoes whenever she stooped or turned. "'Tis well to call the neighbours together and to hae a good racket once now and then; and it may as well be when there's a wedding as at tide-times. I don't care for close ways." “就算是他们不好意思,俺觉得也不见得他们就不能在这个地方上办事,”一个身广体胖的女人说;只听她的胸衣,跟鞋一样,每逢她一转身或者一弯腰的时候,就吱吱地响。“过些日子,就应该把街坊邻居们招呼到一块儿,大家乐一下;过年过节的时候应该那样办,结婚的时候也应该那样办。俺就是不喜欢办事这样偷偷摸摸的。” "Ah, now, you'd hardly believe it, but I don't care for gay weddings," said Timothy Fairway, his eyes again tr@velling round. "I hardly blame Thomasin Yeobright and neighbour Wildeve for doing it quiet, if I must own it. A wedding at home means five and six-handed reels by the hour; and they do a man's legs no good when he's over forty." “啊,你们也许还不到岁数,不大知道,不过像俺这样的年纪,俺可就不愿意办喜事办得太火暴了。”提摩太-费韦一面说,一面用眼四周看了一遍。“俺说句实话,虽然朵荪-姚伯和韦狄街坊,这样偷偷地把事办了,俺可一点儿都不怪他们。在办喜事的席上,你非得一点钟一点钟地跳五对舞和六对舞不可。你们想,一个过了四十岁的人,这样干起来,他那两条腿受用不受用?” "True. Once at the woman's house you can hardly say nay to being one in a jig, knowing all the time that you be expected to make yourself worth your victuals." “这话一点儿不假,只要你到女方家里,你就很难说不下场跳舞,因为你心里分明知道,人家老盼着你不要把人家的东西白吃了啊。” "You be bound to dance at Christmas because 'tis the time o' year; you must dance at weddings because 'tis the time o' life. At christenings folk will even smuggle in a reel or two, if 'tis no further on than the first or second chiel. And this is not naming the songs you've got to sing.... “过圣诞节的时候,你非下场跳舞不可,因为那是一年就那么一回,结婚的时候,你也非下场跳舞不可,因为那是一辈子就那么一回。人家头生儿和二生儿命名①的时候,还有偷偷摸摸也来一两场跳舞的哪。不过你当只跳舞就成了吗,这还没算上你得唱的那些歌儿啦…… ----每周一/三/五晚更---- 【文本翻译均为电台英伦好声音读给你听所有,转载请联系播主并注明】