中英配文 汤老湿朗读《还乡》 托马斯哈代 第一章 16

中英配文 汤老湿朗读《还乡》 托马斯哈代 第一章 16

2018-04-30    03'02''

主播: 英伦好声音

323 12

(点击右边黑三角下拉有中英配文) For my part I like a good hearty funeral as well as anything. You've as splendid victuals and drink as at other parties, and even better. And it don't wear your legs to stumps in talking over a poor fellow's ways as it do to stand up in hornpipes." 论起俺自己来,丧事只要办得起劲儿,俺也一样地喜欢。因为丧事也跟别的宴会一样地有好吃的,好喝的,有的时候也许还更好哪。再说,你只说说死人怎么长怎么短就得啦;决不至于像跳水兵舞那样,把两条腿累得跟木头棒子的。” "Nine folks out of ten would own 'twas going too far to dance then, I suppose?" suggested Grandfer Cantle. “俺想,办丧事跳舞,十个人总得有九个认为太不合适吧?”阚特大爷用探问的口气说。 "'Tis the only sort of party a staid man can feel safe at after the mug h@ve been round a few times." “懒得动的人,只有在办丧事的席上,酒碗传过几遍以后,才觉得稳当。” "Well, I can't understand a quiet ladylike little body like Tamsin Yeobright caring to be married in such a mean way," said Susan Nunsuch, the wide woman, who preferred the original subject. "'Tis worse than the poorest do. And I shouldn't h@ve cared about the man, though some may say he's good-looking." “凭朵荪那样一个安顿、文静姑娘,可肯把这样一件终身大事,这么马马虎虎地办了,真叫俺不明白,”苏珊-南色说;苏珊-南色就是先前说过的那个胖女人,她喜欢谈原来那个题目,所以又把它提了起来。“这还赶不上那些顶穷的人家哪。再说,那个男的,虽然有人说他长的不错,俺可觉得不怎么样。” "To give him his due he's a clever, learned fellow in his way--a'most as clever as Clym Yeobright used to be. He was brought up to better things than keeping the Quiet Woman. An engineer--that's what the man was, as we know; but he threw away his chance, and so 'a took a public house to live. His learning was no use to him at all." “平心而论,新郎也算得是又伶俐、又有学问的了,他那分儿伶俐,和克林-姚伯向来也不差什么。他原先受的教育,本来打算要作比开静女店更高得多的事儿的。他本来是学工程的,咱们都知道,他是一个工程师。不过他不好好干,所以才当了店小二了。他那些学问全白费了。” "Very often the case," said Olly, the besom-maker. "And yet how people do strive after it and get it! The class of folk that couldn't use to make a round O to s@ve their bones from the pit can write their names now without a sputter of the pen, oftentimes without a single blot--what do I say?--why, almost without a desk to lean their stomachs and elbows upon." “这本是常有的事,”那编扫帚的女人奥雷说。“不过费心费力念书的人,还是有的是哪。从前有些人,你把他们下到第十八层地狱,都画不出个圆圈儿来,这会儿也都能写自己的名字了。写的时候,笔上一滴墨水都不往外溅,往往连半点墨水弄脏了的地方都没有——哟,我说什么来着?——哟,是啦,还差不多连把肚子和胳膊往桌子上靠都不用哪。” "True--'tis amazing what a polish the world h@ve been brought to," said Humphrey. “实在不错;眼下这个年头儿,实在越来越花哨的不得了啦,”赫飞说。 "Why, afore I went a soldier in the Bang-up Locals (as we was called), in the year four," chimed in Grandfer Cantle brightly, "I didn't know no more what the world was like than the comonest man among ye. And now, jown it all, I won't say what I bain't fit for, hey?" “唉,俺在四年上,还没到棒啊乡团里当兵的时候——那阵儿人家都叫俺是棒啊乡团,”阚特大爷兴高采烈地插上嘴去说,“俺还没去当兵的时候,俺也跟你们这里面顶平常的人一样,一点世路也不通。这阵儿哪,俺敢说俺没有不能行的事了。呃?” "Couldst sign the book, no dout," said Fairway, "if wast young enough to join hands with a woman again, like Wildeve and Mis'ess Tamsin, which is more than Humph there could do, for he follows his father in learning. “不错,”费韦说,“你要是能返老还童,再和一个娘儿们结为夫妻,像韦狄跟朵荪这样,那你一定会在结婚簿子上签你的名字;这是赫夫万不及你的地方,因为他那点儿学问,跟他爹一样。 Ah, Humph, well I can mind when I was married how I zid thy father's mark staring me in the face as I went to put down my name. 啊,赫夫啊,俺记得清清楚楚,俺结了婚,在结婚簿子上签名的时候,你爹画的押,在簿子上一直瞪俺。 He and your mother were the couple married just afore we were and there stood they father's cross with arms stretched out like a great banging scarecrow. What a terrible black cross that was--thy father's very likeness in en! To s@ve my soul I couldn't help laughing when I zid en, though all the time I was as hot as dog-days, what with the marrying, and what with the woman a-hanging to me, and what with Jack Changley and a lot more chaps grinning at me through church window. 他和你妈,刚好是在俺和俺那一口子以前配成对儿的。只见你爹在簿子上面的那个十字道儿,把那一道横画儿长伸着,跟两只胳膊一样,冷一看,简直就是地里吓唬雀儿的大草人儿。那个十字道儿,黑漆漆的,真怪吓人的,——活脱儿是你爹的长相。本来那阵儿,俺又要行礼,又得挽着一个娘儿们,再加上捷克-常雷和一群小伙子,都爬在教堂的窗上望着俺直咧嘴,把俺热得跟过三伏天一样了;可是俺看见了那个十字道儿,还是要了命也忍不住要笑。 But the next moment a strawmote would h@ve knocked me down, for I called to mind that if thy father and mother had had high words once, they'd been at it twenty times since they'd been man and wife, and I zid myself as the next poor stunpoll to get into the same mess....Ah--well, what a day 'twas!" 不过过了一会儿,一根小草棍儿就能把俺打趴下,因为俺忽然想起来了,你爹跟你妈结了婚那么几天,就已经打了二十多次架了,俺一想俺也结婚,那俺不就是第二个傻瓜,去找一样的麻烦的吗?……唉,那一天真不得了。” "Wildeve is older than Tamsin Yeobright by a good-few sumers. A pretty maid too she is. A young woman with a home must be a fool to tear her smock for a man like that." “韦狄比朵荪-姚伯大好几岁,她又是一个好看的姑娘。凭她那样有家有业、年纪轻轻的,可会为了那样一个男的撕衣裳,揪头发,真太傻了。” ----每周一/三/五晚更---- 【文本翻译均为电台英伦好声音读给你听所有,转载请联系播主并注明】