中英配文 汤老湿朗读《还乡》 托马斯哈代 第一章 17

中英配文 汤老湿朗读《还乡》 托马斯哈代 第一章 17

2018-05-02    02'41''

主播: 英伦好声音

391 14

(点击右边黑三角下拉有中英配文) The speaker, a peat- or turf-cutter, who had newly joined the group, carried across his shoulder the singular heart-shaped spade of large dimensions used in that species of labour, and its well-whetted edge gleamed like a silver bow in the beams of the fire. 这位讲话的人,是一个掘泥炭(或者说土煤)的工人,他刚刚加入这一群人丛,只见他肩头上扛着一个心形宽大的铁锹,那本是专为掘泥炭用的,它那磨得亮亮的刃儿,在火光里看来,好像一张银弓。 "A hundred maidens would h@ve had him if he'd asked 'em," said the wide woman. “只要他跟女人们一求婚,肯嫁给他的女人一百个还不止哪,”那个胖女人说。 "Didst ever know a man, neighbour, that no woman at all would marry?" inquired Humphrey. “街坊们,你们听说过有那种没有女人肯嫁的男人没有?”赫飞问。 "I never did," said the turf-cutter. “俺从来没听说过,”掘泥炭的说。 "Nor I," said another. “俺也没听说过,”另一个人说。 "Nor I," said Grandfer Cantle. “俺也没有,”阚特大爷说。 "Well, now, I did once," said Timothy Fairway, adding more firmness to one of his legs. "I did know of such a man. But only once, mind." He g@ve his throat a thorough rake round, as if it were the duty of every person not to be mistaken through thickness of voice. "Yes, I knew of such a man," he said. “啊,俺倒碰见过一次,”提摩太-费韦说,同时在他的一条腿上格外加了点劲儿。“俺认得那么一个人。但是你们可要听明白了,可就有那么一个。”他把他的嗓子彻底地打扫了一遍,好像不要叫人家由于嗓音粗浊而生误会,是每一个人都应该有的责任。“不错,俺认得那么一个人,”他说。 "And what ghastly gallicrow might the poor fellow h@ve been like, Master Fairway?" asked the turf-cutter. “那么这个可怜的家伙,是怎么个丑陋不堪的长相儿哪,费韦先生?”掘泥炭的问。 "Well, 'a was neither a deaf man, nor a dumb man, nor a blind man. What 'a was I don't say." “啊,他既不聋,又不哑,也不瞎。他什么长相儿俺先不说。” "Is he known in these parts?" said Olly Dowden. “咱们这方近左右的人,认识他不认识他哪?”奥雷-道敦问。 "Hardly," said Timothy; "but I name no name....Come, keep the fire up there, youngsters." “不大会认识吧,”提摩太说;“不过俺不说他的名儿,……小孩们,来,把这个火再弄一弄,别叫它灭啦。” "Whatever is Christian Cantle's teeth a-chattering for?" said a boy from amid the smoke and shades on the other side of the blaze. "Be ye a-cold, Christian?" “克锐-阚特的牙,怎么一个劲儿地对打起来啦?”祝火那一面一个小孩,隔着迷离朦腾的烟气问。“你冷吗,克锐?” A thin jabbering voice was heard to reply, "No, not at all." 只听见一个虚弱尖细的声音含混急促地回答说:“不冷,一点儿也不冷。” "Come forward, Christian, and show yourself. I didn't know you were here," said Fairway, with a humane look across towards that quarter. “克锐,你往前来,露露面儿,别这么畏畏缩缩的。俺压根儿就不知道这儿有你这么个大活人。”费韦一面嘴里说着,一面脸上带着慈祥的样子,往那面看去。 Thus requested, a faltering man, with reedy hair, no shoulders, and a great quantity of wrist and ankle beyond his clothes, advanced a step or two by his own will, and was pushed by the will of others half a dozen steps more. He was Grandfer Cantle's youngest son. 费韦这样说了以后,只见走出一个人来,身子摇摇晃晃,头发又粗又硬,肩膀窄得几乎看不见,拐肘和足踝都大部分露在衣服外面;他走来的时候,自己只自动地走了一两步,却被旁人推推揉操地拥了六七步。他便是阚特大爷的小儿子。 "What be ye quaking for, Christian?" said the turfcutter kindly. “你哆嗦什么?”那个掘泥炭的很和气地问。 "I'm the man." “俺就是那个人。” "What man?" “哪个人?” "The man no woman will marry." “没有女人肯嫁的那个人。” "The deuce you be!" said Timothy Fairway, enlarging his gaze to cover Christian's whole surface and a great deal more, Grandfer Cantle meanwhile staring as a hen stares at the duck she has hatched. 你他妈就是那个人!”提摩太-费韦说,一面把眼睛睁得大大的,好像要把克锐全身和克锐身外,一下都看到眼里;同时阈特大爷也拿眼把克锐下死劲地瞪,好像一个母鸡拿眼瞪它孵出来的小鸭子那样。 "Yes, I be he; and it makes me afeard," said Christian. "D'ye think 'twill hurt me? I shall always say I don't care, and swear to it, though I do care all the while." “不错,俺就是那个人,”克锐说。“俺就是因为这个老害怕。你说这能不能把俺毁啦?俺老是说,俺不在乎这个,俺起誓赌咒地说俺不在乎,其实俺没有一时一刻不在乎的。” ----每周一/三/五晚更---- 【文本翻译均为电台英伦好声音读给你听所有,转载请联系播主并注明】