中英配文 汤老湿朗读《还乡》 托马斯哈代 第一章 18

中英配文 汤老湿朗读《还乡》 托马斯哈代 第一章 18

2018-05-04    03'01''

主播: 英伦好声音

1431 17

(点击右边黑三角下拉有中英配文) "Well, be damned if this isn't the queerest start ever I know'd," said Mr. Fairway. "I didn't mean you at all. There's another in the country, then! Why did ye reveal yer misfortune, Christian?" “晕,天地间有比这个还叫人想不到的才怪哪!”费韦说。“俺原先说的并不是你。这样说起来,有两个这样的人了。你为什么把你倒霉的事告诉人,克锐?” "'Twas to be if 'twas, I suppose. I can't help it, can I?" He turned upon them his painfully circular eyes, surrounded by concentric lines like targets. “俺想真是真,假是假。俺这也没有法儿,对不对?”他看着他们说,同时把他那两只眼睛睁得圆圆的,睁得好像眼眶都要疼起来的样子;眼睛周围就是一圈一圈好像枪靶子的纹道。 "No, that's true. But 'tis a melancholy thing, and my blood ran cold when you spoke, for I felt there were two poor fellows where I had thought only one. 'Tis a sad thing for ye, Christian. How'st know the women won't hae thee?" “不错,没有法儿。这种事真叫人难受。俺听见你那么一说,俺就觉得身上飕的一阵,发起冷来。俺从前本来只当着就有一个,谁知道这阵儿冷不防跑出两个来了哪。克锐,这真叫人心里堵得慌。你怎么知道女人都不肯嫁你?” "I've asked 'em." “俺求过她们么。” "Sure I should never h@ve thought you had the face. Well, and what did the last one say to ye? Nothing that can't be got over, perhaps, after all?" “俺真没想到你会有那样厚的脸皮。好啦,顶末了那一个对你怎么说来看?也许没说什么真叫人过不去的话吧。” "'Get out of my sight, you slack-twisted, slim-looking maphrotight fool,' was the woman's words to me." “那个女人说,‘你给我爬开,你这个讨厌鬼、赛瘦猴的浑东西。’” "Not encouraging, I own," said Fairway. "'Get out of my sight, you slack-twisted, slim-looking maphrotight fool,' is rather a hard way of saying No. But even that might be overcome by time and patience, so as to let a few grey hairs show themselves in the hussy's head. How old be you, Christian?" “俺说句实话,这让人听着实在堵的慌。‘你给我爬开,你这个讨厌鬼、赛瘦猴的浑东西。’这还不及干脆说一个不字,反倒痛快些哪。不过这也不难治。只要你有耐性,能下功夫,等到那个老婆子头上一长出几根白头发来就成了。你今年多大了,克锐?” "Thirty-one last tatie-digging, Mister Fairway." “到今年刨土豆儿的时候,三十一岁了,费韦先生。” "Not a boy--not a boy. Still there's hope yet." “不小啦——不小啦。不过还有指望。” "That's my age by baptism, because that's put down in the great book of the Judgment that they keep in church vestry; but Mother told me I was born some time afore I was christened." “照俺受洗的日子算,俺三十一岁,因为教堂法衣室里的生死簿子上就那么写的。不过俺妈告诉过俺,说俺下生的时候,比俺受洗的时候,还早几天。” "Ah!" "But she couldn't tell when, to s@ve her life, except that there was no moon." “啊!” “不过她只知道俺下生的那天没有月亮,除了那个,你就是要了她的命,她也说不出准日子来。” "No moon--that's bad. Hey, neighbours, that's bad for him!" “没有月亮?那可不吉利。俺说,街坊们,那可于他不吉利!” "Yes, 'tis bad," said Grandfer Cantle, shaking his head. “是,是不吉利,”阚特大爷摇着头说。 "Mother know'd 'twas no moon, for she asked another woman that had an almanac, as she did whenever a boy was born to her, because of the saying, 'No moon, no man,' which made her afeard every man-child she had. Do ye really think it serious, Mister Fairway, that there was no moon?" “俺妈知道那天没有月亮,因为她问一个有黄历的女人来着。多会儿养下小子来,她就多会儿去问人家借黄历瞧,因为‘没有月亮没有人’这句话,叫她多会儿养了小子就多会儿害怕。你说没有月亮真不得了吗,费韦先生?” "Yes. 'No moon, no man.' 'Tis one of the truest sayings ever spit out. The boy never comes to anything that's born at new moon. A bad job for thee, Christian, that you should h@ve showed your nose then of all days in the month." “真不得了,‘没有月亮没有人’。老人的古语是不会错的。月亮没露面的时候养下来的孩子,老不会有出息。你真倒霉;一个月里头这么些天,你可单拣没有月亮那一天探头探脑地出世!” "I suppose the moon was terrible full when you were born?" said Christian, with a look of hopeless admiration at Fairway. “俺想你出世的时候,月亮一定圆的不得了吧,”克锐带着对于自己绝望,对于费韦羡慕的神气说。 "Well, 'a was not new," Mr. Fairway replied, with a disinterested gaze. “啊,反正不是没有月亮的时候,”费韦先生眼神里带着毫不自私的神气回答说。 "I'd sooner go without drink at Lamas-tide than be a man of no moon," continued Christian, in the same shattered recitative. "'Tis said I be only the rames of a man, and no good for my race at all; and I suppose that's the cause o't." “俺豁出去过拉玛节摸不着酒喝,也强似下生的时候看不见月亮,”克锐仍旧用支离破碎的宣叙调那种腔调接着说。“人家都说俺就是个讨厌鬼,对自己家里一点儿用处都不会有。俺想没有月亮就是根由儿了。” "Ay," said Grandfer Cantle, somewhat subdued in spirit; "and yet his mother cried for scores of hours when 'a was a boy, for fear he should outgrow hisself and go for a soldier." “唉,”阚特大爷说,只见他的兴头未免去了好些;“然而他是小孩子的时候,他妈还哭了不知道有多少个钟头,生怕他长过了头,一下蹿成了大汉子,当兵去哪。” ----每周一/三/五晚更---- 【文本翻译均为电台英伦好声音读给你听所有,转载请联系播主并注明】