中英配文 汤老湿朗读《还乡》 托马斯哈代 第一章 20

中英配文 汤老湿朗读《还乡》 托马斯哈代 第一章 20

2018-05-09    02'49''

主播: 英伦好声音

1306 14

(点击右边黑三角下拉有中英配文) "Now, 'tis very odd, but I never feel lonely--no, not at all," said Grandfer Cantle. "I am as br@ve in the nighttime as a' admiral!" “俺要说起来,又是怪事了。俺从来就没觉得孤单过——从来也没有,一点儿也没有,”阚特大爷说。“俺到夜里,简直跟水师提督一样地勇敢。” The bonfire was by this time beginning to sink low, for the fuel had not been of that substantial sort which can support a blaze long. Most of the other fires within the wide horizon were also dwindling weak. 那时候,雨冢上的祝火已经微弱起来了,因为他们用的材料并不很坚实,所以不能耐久。同时往四外看去,所有天边以内的祝火,也都大半微弱了。 Attentive observation of their brightness, colour, and length of existence would h@ve revealed the quality of the material burnt, and through that, to some extent the natural produce of the district in which each bonfire was situate. The clear, kingly effulgence that had characterized the majority expressed a heath and furze country like their own, which in one direction extended an unlimited number of miles; the rapid flares and extinctions at other points of the compass showed the lightest of fuel--straw, beanstalks, and the usual waste from arable land. The most enduring of all--steady unaltering eyes like Planets--signified wood, such as hazel-branches, thorn-faggots, and stout billets. Fires of the last-mentioned materials were rare, and though comparatively small in magnitude beside the transient blazes, now began to get the best of them by mere long continuance. 要是把祝火的亮光、颜色和着的时间都仔细观察了,就能看出来烧的材料是什么性质;根据这种结果再推测下去,还能多少猜得出来点祝火那些地方都出产什么东西。大多数的祝火,都发出一种又大又亮的光辉;这是表示,那些地方,也和他们这儿一样,长的都是石南和常青棘;本来这种地方,非常广阔,有一方面,绵延到无数英里地以外;另一些地方的火,着的快,灭的也快;那是表示,那一方面的燃料,都是最不耐烧的,只是麦秆、豆秸和庄稼地里普通的废物。有些顶耐久的祝火,都好像行星一样地稳定;那是表示,他们点的,都是榛树枝子、棘树捆子和别的坚实耐烧的劈柴。 The great ones had perished, but these remained. They occupied the remotest visible positions--sky-backed sumits rising out of rich coppice and plantation districts to the north, where the soil was different, and heath foreign and strange. 这一种燃料,本来很稀罕,它们和那些不久就灭了的熊熊火光比起来,虽然显得亮光不大,但是现在因为它们能耐久,却比无论哪一种都占上风。原先着得旺、看着大的祝火,现在都已经灭了,但是这些祝火,却仍旧存在。它们占据的是北方矮树林和人植林茂盛生长的地方上负天矗立的峰峦;从雨冢上看来,那算是视线以内最远的部分;那儿的土壤和这儿不同,像荒原这种情况,那儿是稀少的,看不见的。 S@ve one; and this was the nearest of any, the moon of the whole shining throng. It lay in a direction precisely opposite to that of the little window in the vale below. Its nearness was such that, notwithstanding its actual smallness, its glow infinitely transcended theirs. 所有的祝火全都微弱了,除了一个,而这一个离他们最近,它跟所有别的祝火比起来,就好像是众星闪烁里一轮明月。它占的方向和下面山谷里面那个小窗户恰恰相对。它和雨冢离得实在很近,所以它的本体虽然并不很大,但是它的亮光,却把雨冢上的祝火比下去了。 This quiet eye had attracted attention from time to time; and when their own fire had become sunken and dim it attracted more; some even of the wood fires more recently lighted had reached their decline, but no change was perceptible here. 这个稳定的亮光,先前就已经惹得雨冢上的人时刻注意了;现在他们自己的祝火既是越来越微,越来越暗,那个亮光更惹他们注意了;就是有些烧木头的祝火,点得比较晚一会儿的,这阵儿也都光焰低微了;但是这个祝火,却始终看不出来有什么变化。 "To be sure, how near that fire is!" said Fairway. "Seemingly. I can see a fellow of some sort walking round it. Little and good must be said of that fire, surely." “俺说实话,那个祝火离得真近!”费韦说。“俺觉得仿佛都能看出来有人在它四围走动。那个祝火只管小,咱们可不能不说它好,实在地。” "I can throw a stone there," said the boy. “俺都能把石头子扔到那儿,”一个小孩说。 "And so can I!" said Grandfer Cantle. “俺也能!”阚特大爷说。 "No, no, you can't, my sonnies. That fire is not much less than a mile off, for all that 'a seems so near." “办不到,办不到,小伙子。那个祝火看着只管很近,实在可至少差不多有一英里半地远哪。” "'Tis in the heath, but no furze," said the turf-cutter. “那个祝火倒是点在荒原上面,不过它的材料可不是常青棘,”那个掘泥炭的说。 ----每周一/三/五晚更---- 【文本翻译均为电台英伦好声音读给你听所有,转载请联系播主并注明】