中英配文 汤老湿朗读《还乡》 托马斯哈代 第一章 21

中英配文 汤老湿朗读《还乡》 托马斯哈代 第一章 21

2018-05-11    03'03''

主播: 英伦好声音

4100 77

(点击右边黑三角下拉有中英配文) "'Tis cleft-wood, that's what 'tis," said Timothy Fairway. "Nothing would burn like that except clean timber. And 'tis on the knap afore the old captain's house at Mistov Such a queer mortal as that man is! To h@ve a little fire inside your own bank and ditch, that nobody else may enjoy it or come anigh it! And what a zany an old chap must be, to light a bonfire when there's no youngsters to please." “俺看是劈柴;不错,是劈柴,”提摩太-费韦说。“除了光滑直溜的劈柴,没有别的东西能这样耐着。它是点在迷雾岗老舰长门前那个小岗子上的。那个老舰长真得算古怪;在自己的土堤和壕沟里面点祝火,叫别人一点儿也玩赏不着,一点儿也近不得!这种老头子真是糊涂虫,要不,怎么会没有小孩儿,可点祝火玩儿?” "Cap'n Vye has been for a long walk today, and is quite tired out," said Grandfer Cantle, "so 'tisn't likely to be he." “斐伊老舰长今天出了一趟远门儿,一定很累的慌了,”阚特大爷说,“所以这个祝火不会是他点的。” "And he would hardly afford good fuel like that," said the wide woman. “他也舍不得那么些好劈柴,”那个胖女人说。 "Then it must be his granddaughter," said Fairway. "Not that a body of her age can want a fire much." “那么那就是他外孙女儿了,”费韦说。“不过像她那样年纪,应该不大爱这个调调儿了吧。” "She is very strange in her ways, living up there by herself, and such things please her," said Susan. “她的举动很古怪,自己一个人住在那儿,可喜欢这种东西,”苏珊说。 "She's a well-f@voured maid enough," said Humphrey the furze-cutter, "especially when she's got one of her dandy gowns on." “她的模样儿可真得算够俊的;”斫常青棘的赫飞说。“特别是她把时兴的长袍穿出来的时候。” "That's true," said Fairway. "Well, let her bonfire burn an't will. Ours is well-nigh out by the look o't." “不错,”费韦说。“好啦,她的祝火愿意着就让它着吧。咱们的看样子可快要完了。” "How dark 'tis now the fire's gone down!" said Christian Cantle, looking behind him with his hare eyes. "Don't ye think we'd better get home-along, neighbours? The heth isn't haunted, I know; but we'd better get home....Ah, what was that?" “这个火一灭,你瞧有多黑!”克锐-阚特一面把他那双兔子眼往身后瞧去,一面嘴里说。“俺说,街坊们,咱们顶好家去吧。俺知道这块荒原上是不闹鬼的;不过俺觉得还是家去好。……啊,那是什么东西?” "Only the wind," said the turf-cutter. “不过是风就是了,”那个掘泥炭的说。 "I don't think Fifth-of-Novembers ought to be kept up by night except in towns. It should be by day in outstep, ill-accounted places like this!" “俺觉得,除去城里头,别的地方就都不该晚上过十一月五号,像这样山高皇帝远、人少兔子多的地方,更应该白天过才是!” "Nonsense, Christian. Lift up your spirits like a man! Susy, dear, you and I will h@ve a jig--hey, my honey?—before 'tis quite too dark to see how well-f@voured you be still, though so many sumers h@ve passed since your husband, a son of a witch, snapped you up from me." “你净胡说,克锐。壮起胆子来!你枉长了个男子汉了!苏珊,亲爱的,咱们俩跳个舞罢——好不好哇,俺的乖乖呀?虽说是你那个巫婆养的丈夫把你从俺手里摄走了以后,已经过了这些年了,你的小模样儿还是一样地俊哪;咱们这阵儿要是不跳,待会儿太黑了,就看不见你那个仍旧很俊的小模样儿了。” This was addressed to Susan Nunsuch; and the next circumstance of which the beholders were conscious was a vision of the matron's broad form whisking off towards the space whereon the fire had been kindled. She was lifted bodily by Mr. Fairway's arm, which had been flung round her waist before she had become aware of his intention. The site of the fire was now merely a circle of ashes flecked with red embers and sparks, the furze h@ving burnt completely away. Once within the circle he whirled her round and round in a dance. She was a woman noisily constructed; in addition to her enclosing framework of whalebone and lath, she wore pattens sumer and winter, in wet weather and in dry, to preserve her boots from wear; and when Fairway began to jump about with her, the clicking of the pattens, the creaking of the stays, and her screams of surprise, formed a very audible concert. 这话是提摩太-费韦对苏珊-南色说的;他这话刚说完,一旁看的人们只觉得,一眨眼的工夫,那个女人胖大的形体就挪到刚才点祝火的那个地方上去了;原来还没等到她明白过来费韦的用意,费韦就把她拦腰抱住,把她那个人整个地举起来了。那时候,在原先点祝火的地点上,常青棘已经烧完了,只剩了一团灰烬,间或搀杂着些余火和火星。费韦挟着苏珊,刚一走到那堆残灰的圈儿里,就同她旋转着舞起来。苏珊本是一个全身都响的女人;不但她身上架着鲸骨和木条,她脚上还不论冬天夏天,不论好天坏天,为省鞋起见,老穿着木头套鞋;所以费韦和她舞着的时候,她那木头套鞋噶嗒噶嗒地响,她的鲸骨胸衣就咯吱咯吱地响,再加上她自己大惊小怪地乱嚷,因此可以清清楚楚地听见一场合奏乐。 "I'll crack thy numskull for thee, you mandy chap!" said Mrs. Nunsuch, as she helplessly danced round with him, her feet playing like drumsticks among the sparks. "My ankles were all in a fever before, from walking through that prickly furze, and now you must make 'em worse with these vlankers!" “我把你的脑袋瓜子给你砸碎啦,你这个大胆的混帐东西,”南色太太一面毫无办法,同费韦舞着,一面嘴里骂,只见她那双脚,好像鼓距一般,在火星中间乱起乱落。“我这两只脚脖子刚才从带刺儿的常青棘中间走过来,早就划得热拉拉的了,这阵儿你又把我拖到火星子里来,更要热炙火燎的了。” ----每周一/三/五晚更---- 【文本翻译均为电台英伦好声音读给你听所有,转载请联系播主并注明】