中英配文 汤老湿朗读《还乡》 托马斯哈代 第一章 22

中英配文 汤老湿朗读《还乡》 托马斯哈代 第一章 22

2018-05-14    02'45''

主播: 英伦好声音

3056 22

(点击右边黑三角下拉有中英配文) The vagary of Timothy Fairway was infectious. The turf-cutter seized old Olly Dowden, and, somewhat more gently, poussetted with her likewise. The young men were not slow to imitate the example of their elders, and seized the maids; Grandfer Cantle and his stick jigged in the form of a three-legged object among the rest; and in half a minute all that could be seen on Rainbarrow was a whirling of dark shapes amid a boiling confusion of sparks, which leapt around the dancers as high as their waists. 提摩太-费韦这种荒唐的举动本是含有传染性的。因此一时之间,那掘泥炭的也把老奥雷-道敦捉住了抱在怀里,和她舞起来,不过他比费韦却多少温柔一点儿。那些年轻的小伙子,见了比他们年长的都这样,就毫不怠慢地跟他们学,把那些年轻的姑娘都搂到怀里;阚特大爷就跟他的棍子,合成了一件三条腿的东西,跟着大家一齐地舞。不过半分钟的工夫,雨冢上面就看不见别的光景了,只有一团黑影,在滚滚翻动的火星里回旋转动;那些火星围着跳舞的人迸起,都进到他们的腰部那样高。 The chief noises were women's shrill cries, men's laughter, Susan's stays and pattens, Olly Dowden's "heu-heu-heu!" and the struming of the wind upon the furze-bushes, which formed a kind of tune to the demoniac measure they trod. Christian alone stood aloof, uneasily rocking himself as he murmured, "They ought not to do it--how the vlankers do fly! 'tis tempting the Wicked one, 'tis." 主要的声音,是女人们尖声叫喊,男人们大声嘻笑,苏珊的胸衣咯吱咯吱、套鞋噶哒噶哒,奥雷-道敦“吓吓吓!”和风吹到常青棘丛上呼呼呼,这种种声音跟他们那种犷悍狰狞的跳踊,正作成一副和谐的音调。只有克锐远远站在一旁,一面心神不安地把身子摇晃,一面自言自语地念叨:“他们不该这样干——看那些火星那种乱飞乱进的样子!这简直是招魁!实在是招魁!” "What was that?" said one of the lads, stopping. “什么东西?”忽然一个小伙子停止了跳舞问。 "Ah--where?" said Christian, hastily closing up to the rest. “啊,在哪儿?”克锐急忙凑到人群旁边问。 The dancers all lessened their speed. 所有那些跳舞的人,全把脚步放慢。 "'Twas behind you, Christian, that I heard it--down here." “俺听着就在你后面,克锐;在那面。” "Yes--'tis behind me!" Christian said. "Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, bless the bed that I lie on; four angels guard--" “不错——就在俺后面!”克锐说,“马太、马可、路加、约翰,祝我睡觉的床平安;四个天使把我保——” "Hold your tongue. What is it?" said Fairway. “快闭上你的嘴,克锐。怎么回事?”费韦说。 "Hoi-i-i-i!" cried a voice from the darkness. “喂……!”只听黑暗里发出了一声长喊。 "Halloo-o-o-o!" said Fairway. “喂……!”费韦也喊着应答。 "Is there any cart track up across here to Mis'ess Yeobright's, of Blooms-End?" came to them in the same voice, as a long, slim indistinct figure approached the barrow. “通过这上面一带,有没有往布露恩姚伯太太家去的大车道?”只听原先长声呼喊的那个声音,又问了这样一句话,同时一个又长又细的模糊人影,走近了古冢。 "Ought we not to run home as hard as we can, neighbours, as 'tis getting late?" said Christian. "Not run away from one another, you know; run close together, I mean." “俺说,街坊们,天都这时候了,咱们还不该使劲快跑,赶回家去吗?”克锐说。“你们可要听明白了,俺并不是说,东逃西散地乱跑,俺是说,大家挤在一块儿一起跑。” "Scrape up a few stray locks of furze, and make a blaze, so that we can see who the man is," said Fairway. “把散在一旁还没烧完的常青棘,捡几块放到一处,弄出点红火来,好照一照这个人是谁,”费韦说。 When the flame arose it revealed a young man in tight raiment, and red from top to toe. "Is there a track across here to Mis'ess Yeobright's house?" he repeated. 火焰亮起来以后,照出一个青年来,浑身的衣服,紧贴在身上,并且从头到脚,一色儿血红。“通过这块儿,有没有上姚伯太太那儿去的大车路?”他又问了一遍。 "Ay--keep along the path down there." “有——顺着下面那条路走就是。” "I mean a way two horses and a van can tr@vel over?" “我问的是两匹马拉着一辆大篷车走得了的路。” "Well, yes; you can get up the vale below here with time. The track is rough, but if you've got a light your horses may pick along wi' care. H@ve ye brought your cart far up, neighbour reddleman?" “是啊,俺说的也就是那样的路啊;你费点儿工夫,就能走上紧在这儿下面那个山谷了。那条路倒是不平,不过只要你有个亮儿照着,那你的马自个儿也许就会小心仔细地一直往前奔了。你把车带到上面来了吗,卖红土的朋友?” "I've left it in the bottom, about half a mile back, I stepped on in front to make sure of the way, as 'tis night-time, and I han't been here for so long." “没有,我把它撂在山根下面,隔这儿有半英里。因为现在是晚上,我又好久没上这儿来了,所以我自己先在前面,把路探准了。” "Oh, well you can get up," said Fairway. "What a turn it did give me when I saw him!" he added to the whole group, the reddleman included. " “哦,行,你可以往上来,”费韦说。接着又对大家全体,连红土贩子也包括在内,说,“俺刚才一见他,可真把俺吓了一大跳。 ----每周一/三/五晚更---- 【文本翻译均为电台英伦好声音读给你听所有,转载请联系播主并注明】