20171017 罗杰.费德勒—史上最伟大网球选手之一

20171017 罗杰.费德勒—史上最伟大网球选手之一

2017-10-17    00'29''

主播: Lucy🚄🍺

12 0

Widely recognized as one of the greatest tennis players ever, Roger Federer is known for his signature forehand and his arsenal of artistic plays. He became the first Swiss man to win a Grand Slam title in 2003 and went on to secure 16 more. “Do you feel that you still need to prove something?” 罗杰·费德勒被广泛认为是有史以来最伟大的网球选手之一,他的招牌正手进攻以及极具艺术观赏性的各种打法,让他被大家所熟知。2003年,他成为第一个夺得大满贯头衔的瑞士人,继而又夺得了随后的16个大满贯。“你觉得你仍然需要去证明些什么吗?”