「光影新概念2」实音连读集 → L1 私人唠嗑

「光影新概念2」实音连读集 → L1 私人唠嗑

2015-05-21    04'16''

主播: 良凌罗

712 37

【音频文稿】 1 I went to the theatre. 我去看戏。 2 theatre 剧场戏院 3 I went to the theatre. 我去看戏。 4 What are you and Moll doing tonight? 你和Moll下班后干啥去? from《人鬼情未了》 5 We&`&re going to the theatre. 我俩去剧院。 from《人鬼情未了》 6 Sal, come on. Let&`&s just go to the theater. Sal, 拜托。 咱们去剧场。 from 《恐怖游轮》 7 The play was very interesting. 戏很有意思。 8 interesting 有趣 9 The play was very interesting. 戏很有意思。 10 But anyway, something about being there was very interesting I found. 反正吧,我觉得待在那儿挺好玩的。 from 《爱在日落黄昏时》 11 I didn&`&t mean to scare you. I just think you&`&re interesting. 我不是吓你,只是我觉得你很有趣。 from 《美国丽人》 12 Things gonna get a little more interesting. 事情变得有趣了。 from 《超能陆战队》 13 a young man and a young woman 一对年轻男女 14 man and a 15 a young man and a young woman 一对年轻男女 16 200 men can’t find one man and a girl? 你们200个人却找不到一个男人和一个女孩儿? from 《这个杀手不太冷》 17 You have to sing into the microphone. It won’t follow you. 你应该对着麦,它不会跟着你的。 But I can’t. 可是我不会啊。 It’s a duet for a man and a woman. 这是一男一女合唱的。 We are as close as we’ve got. 我们要密切合作才行。 18 And you know what else is strange? A business man and a woman with a little dog came out of nowhere. 你知道还有什么不对劲儿么? 不知道从哪儿冒出来的一对上班男女,还牵着狗。 from 《楚门的世界》 19 In a relationship between a man and a woman, do you think it’s better for the man to decide, or the woman? 你认为最好是让男人还是女人来做决定? from 《傲骨贤妻S05E12》 荔枝限制字符, 你听到的是音频, 高清视频和完整字幕在 一款神秘美丽的APP中。 它叫「英语魔方秀」 新浪微博 @英语魔方秀APP @良凌罗