「光影新概念2」实音连读集 → L2 早操还是午操?

「光影新概念2」实音连读集 → L2 早操还是午操?

2015-05-21    03'38''

主播: 良凌罗

266 33

★ 你听到的是音频 高清视频和完整字幕在 一款神秘美丽的APP中。 它叫「英语魔方秀」 新浪微博 @英语魔方秀APP @良凌罗 ☆ 语音文稿 1 I eat losers for breakfast. 我把输家当早餐吃。 2 Breakfast? 早餐? Wait, maybe I should have had breakfast. 也许我该吃早餐。 Brecky could be good for me. No, no, no, stay focused. 早餐对我有好处。不不不,专心专心。 from 《汽车总动员》 3 I made breakfast for my family. 我给一家人做好早餐。 from 《绝望的主妇 S01E01》 4 There’s no time for breakfast. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day! 没时间吃早餐了!早餐是一天中最重要的嗷! from 《太空巴迪》 5 Well, I gotta get up early and it&`&s almost 7:00. 呃, 我得早起,都快七点了。 from 《老友记 S08E11》 6 I got up and looked at the sky. 我站起来看向天空。 It was all dark and there was nothing moving. 天空很暗,一切都死死地呆在那儿。 from 《紫色》 7 I always thought of myself as one of the more fearful astronauts, really. And when I&`&d look out of the window of the spacecraft I would think, "If that window blows out, I&`&m going to die in about a second." 我经常想我是不是最胆小的一个宇航员,真的。 当我从太空舱里向外观看, 我会想:“如果这窗户爆裂,我会马上挂掉。” There&`&s death right out there about an inch away. 死亡就在一英尺之外。 from 《月之阴影》 8 Ah… what are you doing? 呃,,,你干啥呢? from 《功夫熊猫2》 9 What are you doing? 干啥? from 《超能陆战队》 10 Hey! What are you doing? 嘿!干什么? Going upstairs! 上楼! No, you’re not! 不,你去不了了! from 《千与千寻》 11 It’s one o’clock now. 现在一点了。 Give me 45 mins exactly. 给我45分钟就好。 from 《绯闻女孩 S03E15》