「光影新概念2」实音连读集 → L3 请寄给我一张明信片

「光影新概念2」实音连读集 → L3 请寄给我一张明信片

2015-05-21    06'57''

主播: 良凌罗

307 33

★ 你听到的是音频 高清视频和完整字幕在 一款神秘美丽的APP中。 它叫「英语魔方秀」 新浪微博 @英语魔方秀APP @良凌罗 ☆ 语音文稿(部分) 1 Postcards always spoil my holidays. 明信片总搅得我假日不得安宁。 2 spoil 毁掉 3 1 Postcards always spoil my holidays. 明信片总搅得我假日不得安宁。 4 He didn’t spoil anything. He fell over. 他没煞什么风景。只是摔倒了。 from 《唐顿庄园》S01E02 5 Don’t spoil it, we need him at the moment. 别搞砸了,我们现在需要他。 from 《摇滚黑帮》 6 Isn’t it peaceful out here, Bob? 这里真是宁静,对吧,Bob? 7 You’re right, Bob. Let’s not spoil the beauty of this moment with idle chatter. 你是对的,Bob。我们可不要为了无聊的谈话破坏了此刻的美。 from 《丛林大反攻》 8 I&`&d have loved a daughter, I&`&d have spoiled her rotten. 要是有个女儿就开心死了,我定会宠烂了她的。 from 《妈妈咪呀》 9 Rose, you’re no picnic all right? You’re a spoiled little brat even. 肉丝,你不是很好相处的,造么?你还是个被宠坏的大小姐。 10 But under that, you’re the most amazingly, astounding, wonderful girl, woman that I’ve ever known. 但内心里,你是我所见过最惊人、脱俗、万德福的女孩儿。 from 《泰坦尼克号》 11 Right now! Or I’ll start crying. 就现在!要不我就要CRY了。 12 Don’t cry! Don’t cry! 别哭别哭! 13 What a spoiled brat! Shut your big mouth! 你这小兔窄纸!给我闭嘴! from 《千与千寻》 14 I went to Italy. 我去了意大利。 15 Italy 噫?大梨? 16 I went to Italy. 我去了意大利。 17 The first girl I met was when I went to Italy and it was really just an international mix-up. 第一个女孩儿是我去意大利的时候认识的,那只是一次国际交往。 from 《人人都爱雷蒙德 S07E14》 18 It was like I died and went to Italy. 感觉死了都想去意大利一样。 from 《绝望的主妇 S03E05》 19 a few words of Italian. 几句意大利语 20 Well, I&`&m sure my students would love to hear a few words of inspiration. 我想同学们一定很想恭听您的至高教诲。 from 《怪兽大学》 21 Since you&`&re here, I have a few words of my own to say. 既然你来了,我也有几句话想说。 from 《唐顿庄园 S03E06》 22 So here&`&s a few words of advice. 那么听我几句忠告。 from 《神秘博士 S01E13》 23 Archie. Hum? Do you speak Italian? 二旗。嗯?你说意大利语么? 24 I am Italian! 我就是意大利人啊! 25 Sono italiano in spirito… 大家来翻译,写在讲解里呦... from 《一只叫旺达的鱼》 26 I do speak a bit of Italian. 我确实会说几句意大利语。 from 《泰坦尼克号 S01E04》 27 Do you know him? 你认识他? 28 No, I&`&ve never met him. He&`&s some sort of Italian. 我没见过他,他有点意大利血统。 from 《足迹》 29 You have a drop of Italian in you maybe? 你会不会有一点意大利血统? 30 I am American. 我是美国银,谢谢。 from 《谍影迷情 S02E04》