7.13  What will you do if you have $50,000?

7.13 What will you do if you have $50,000?

2018-07-14    01'29''

主播: 萌子_Alisa

113 3

EMF,day 674~ 2018.07.13 1. That’s so much money… wow. I’d pay off all my debt. 2. $50,000? I don’t think I’ve ever seen that much money in my life. I would want to be smart with it so I’d probably hire an accountant or something? 3. Are you offering? 4. Wow…even the thought of that gives me butterflies. I probably won’t have that much for at least a decade. I would immediately book a few trips and take my friends out for an awesome meal. 5. Easy. I would pay off my student loans. 6. I would pay off my student loans and my credit cards and then use my now disposable income to spend on stuff like clothes. 7. I’d be able to pay off credit card debt and start renovations on my apartment. 8. I would save, save, save. 9. It would make my entire situation better. I would use $35,000 to build a basement apartment under my house then rent it out. 10. I’d probably splurge with about $5,000 of it and put the rest into savings. 11. I would put it to my retirement or savings but it wouldn’t impact my day-to-day. 12. Ooo, down payment on an apartment. 13. This recently happened to me and it really didn’t change anything. 1. 这是好大一笔钱… 哇! 我会还清我所有的债务。 2. 5万美金?我从没有见过这么多钱。这笔钱我想处理得明智些,所以,我可能会雇一位会计师这样的专业人士。 3. (这5万美金)你会给吗? 4. 哇…光是想想就让我激动不已了,我也许至少在十年之内都不会有那么多钱。我可能会立刻就预定几次旅行,并且请我的朋友们吃顿大餐。 5. 很简单,我会用来还清我的学生贷款。 6. 我会还清我的学生贷款和信用卡,然后用我现在的可支配收入买些衣服什么的。 7. 我会还信用卡,并重新装修一下我的公寓。 8. 我会攒着,攒着,攒着。 9. 这笔钱会改善我的整体境况。我会用3万5千美金在我的房子下面建一个地下室公寓,然后把它租出去。 10. 我可能会挥霍掉5千美金左右,然后把剩下的存起来。 11. 我可能会把这笔钱放到我的养老金或者存款里,但是这笔钱并不会给我的日常生活带来什么改变。 12. 喔,(可以当作)一套公寓的预付金。 13. 我最近就遇到了这样的事,但是实际上这并没有改变什么。
上一期: 7.12 GYM Virus
下一期: 7.14 A good cry.