7.14 A good cry.

7.14 A good cry.

2018-07-14    00'16''

主播: 萌子_Alisa

119 1

A good cry lightens the heart. We’ve known for a long time that a good cry can make us feel better. Scientists confirmed it years ago. 痛快地哭一场,让心不再沉重。我们早就知道痛快地哭可以让我们感觉好一点,科学家许多年前已经确认了这点。 We don’t need to be embarrassed by our tears. They come for a reason, and we need to let them flow. 哭吧,不是罪,不必尴尬。每一滴眼泪都有它背后的故事,就让泪水在此刻决堤吧。