7.30 深圳的崛起

7.30 深圳的崛起

2018-07-30    00'50''

主播: 萌子_Alisa

134 0

2018-07-30 EMF Designated a “City of Design” by UNESCO in 2008, Shenzhen was the first city in China to establish an official strategy around creative development. This led to the sudden and tremendous growth of its up-and-coming industries. Modern platforms have now replaced traditional focuses with a wider range of creative enterprises from smart infrastructure to design and robots. Shenzhen is a coastal city on the east bank of the Pearl River Harbor, separated from Hong Kong by a natural river border. After being designated as the first special economic zone in China, what was once a fishing village rapidly became an emerging modern city. Today, Shenzhen’s speed has gathered international influence. 2008年,深圳被联合国教科文组织设定为“设计之都”。深圳是中国首个发布围绕创新发展相关战略的城市。一时间,创新产业如雨后春笋般发展起来,焕发勃勃生机。现如今,各种现代化平台推陈出新,与时俱进,涌现出各种各样的创新企业。其中既有智慧基础设施企业,也有设计类企业,甚至机器人企业。 深圳是位于中国珠江三角洲东岸的海滨城市,与香港一水之隔。这个昔日的边陲小渔村在成为中国第一个经济特区之后飞速发展,成为现如今极具国际影响力的新兴现代化城市。“深圳速度”也因此令世界瞩目。