8.21 穿上妈妈的嫁衣,让爱延续

8.21 穿上妈妈的嫁衣,让爱延续

2018-08-21    00'58''

主播: 萌子_Alisa

192 0

8-21麦克风 My mother-in-law wore it in 1952, and then I wore it in 1987. And so, this’ll be the third time it’s been put on by somebody in our family. This dress was meant to be just a symbol of dreams and hopes and what I wanted for my life. I just feel this looks like the nightgown of a queen in the 1700s. Obviously, it doesn’t fit, so I couldn’t wear it. Like I could just go like this right now and just bust the whole thing open. I do think it’s really pretty. I used to idolize my mom when I was a kid and I just remember her looking so gorgeous like a Barbie, so it’s really interesting to be in this. I never thought that I’d wear it. It was very emotional for me just to think that she might try on my dress and it was just nerve-wracking to think of this step in her life. I expect to see you in a dress like this maybe when I’m in a nursing home. That’s upsetting. 我婆婆在1952年穿上了这件婚纱,我是在1987年穿上它的。所以,这次是我们家族里的人第三次穿上这件婚纱。这家婚纱是梦想和希望的象征,是我对生活的期望的象征。我觉得它看起来像是18世纪女王的睡袍。显然这件婚纱不适合我,我没办法穿。比如,我现在这样动的话就会把这件婚纱撑坏。我真的觉得这件婚纱很美。 我小时候很崇拜我的妈妈。我记得那时候妈妈长得很美就像是一个芭比娃娃一样。所以,此刻穿着妈妈的婚纱真的很有趣。我以前从未想过我会穿上妈妈的婚纱。光是想想她会穿上我的婚纱就让我激动不已,而一想到她人生中的这一步(结婚)我真的是万分不舍。我期待着:也许当我进了养老院之后能见到你像现在这样穿上婚纱的样子。那样的话真是太惨了。