9.12 最长最美长腿

9.12 最长最美长腿

2018-09-13    00'49''

主播: 萌子_Alisa

99 3

9-12麦克风 Lauren Williams from Texas has the longest legs in America - 49 inches from hip to floor, and they’ve made her an in-demand model. “You definitely get those like wow factor kind of eyes from people. That long, lean look that’s really in style right now. So, people will contact me a lot because that’s exactly what they’re looking for, that’s what my body is. It’s long, it’s lean, it’s all legs pretty much.” But while her record-breaking legs have helped her professionally, and to play sport, there is a downside. “Planes can be very difficult sometimes; finding clothes can definitely be difficult. The fashion industry as a whole, I want to continue to be a part of and therefore with this whole longest leg thing I’m super grateful because my career in fashion is taking off.”   来自德克萨斯州的劳伦·威廉姆斯拥有全美国最长的腿——从臀部到地板(腿长)达到49英寸,这两条大长腿让她成为了非常抢手的模特。“肯定是会吸引人们惊叹的目光的。高挑的外表正是现今流行的风格。因此,好多人都来联系我,因为高挑的外表正是他们所寻找的,而我的身材正好是这样的。身材高挑,差不多从脖子以下全是腿。” 虽然这双破纪录的大长腿给她的事业带来了巨大的帮助,也为她带来了体育方面的优势,但是同样也带来了负面影响。“坐飞机有个时间是一件苦差事,还有找件合身的衣服绝对是相当困难的一件事。总体来说,我想继续成为时尚界的一员。所以,我很感恩拥有这双大长腿,因为我的时尚事业现如今开始走红。
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