9.21 嫦娥奔月

9.21 嫦娥奔月

2018-09-21    01'00''

主播: 萌子_Alisa

171 0

9-21嫦娥后羿 Once upon a time ten suns rose in the sky, scorching many crops and people to death. A brave man called Hou Yi came to rescue them. He excelled at archery and shot down nine of the suns. Among his admirers was Pang Meng, whom Yi accepted as his apprentice. One day the Queen of Heaven came down to Earth. She told Yi that as a reward for his bravery the gods would give him an elixir of immortality. He wanted to be immortal, but he wanted to spend his life with her more. But Pang Meng broke into Yi’s house while he was away and demanded the elixir. She drank it herself and immediately ascended into the skies. Chang E’s love for Hou Yi drew her towards the moon, which was the nearest place to Earth in the heavens. Hou Yi brought her favorite foods, cakes and fruit, out in the moonlight to share with his wife. This is one of the origin myths of the Moon Festival.   从前,天上有10个太阳,烤死了许多庄稼和人。一个叫后羿的勇士前来拯救他们。他擅长射箭,射下了9个太阳。崇拜他的人中有一个叫逄蒙的人,后羿收他作为徒弟。一天,王母娘娘来到凡间。她告诉后羿,众神为了奖励他的勇敢,给他一剂长生不老药。他想长生不老,但是他更想和她的妻子度过一生。 然而在后羿外出时,逄蒙闯进了后羿的房子并索要长生不老药。嫦娥自己喝下了此药立即升上了天空。嫦娥牵挂着丈夫,便飞落到离人间最近的月亮上成了仙。后羿带来她最喜欢的食物,糕点,水果,在月光下与她的妻子一起分享。这是中秋节来源的神话传说之一。
上一期: 9.20 桂林
下一期: 9.28 千手观音的幕后故事