9.28  千手观音的幕后故事

9.28 千手观音的幕后故事

2018-09-28    00'44''

主播: 萌子_Alisa

202 2

9-28 EMF Ladies and gentlemen, this is the Thousand-hand Bodhisattva dance. One would think that a performance this difficult and precise would require all five senses. Well, think again, because all these dancers can’t hear the music, making this performance even cooler. Founded in 1987, the China Disabled People’s Performing Art Troupe performs eloquent dances, plays and operas. The music is performed by the visually impaired and the dance numbers are performed by those hard of hearing. “I hope that through our music and performances we inspire others, whether disabled or not, to gain confidence and pursue what makes them happy and fulfilled.” 女士们,先生们,这就是《千手观音》舞蹈。你可能觉得像这样一个高难度,高精确度的表演必须要五种感官完全投入。那你就再想想吧——因为这些舞者全部都听不到音乐,也因此这个舞蹈表演更令人惊叹。成立于1987年的中国残疾人艺术团会进行富有感染力的舞蹈、话剧和戏剧演出。 该舞蹈的音乐是由视力受损的人来演奏的,舞蹈则由听力受损的人来演绎。“我希望通过我们的音乐和表演,能够激励其他人,不论残疾与否,能使他们获得自信并勇敢去追求那些能让他们感到开心和满足的事物。”