10.26 瑞典,一个让人想怀孕的国家

10.26 瑞典,一个让人想怀孕的国家

2018-10-27    00'58''

主播: 萌子_Alisa

157 3

2018.10.26 EMF 瑞典,一个让人想怀孕的国家 Sweden has one of the most generous parental models in the world. Swedes get more than double the amount of what a parent receives in the UK. In Sweden, parents are given 68 weeks of leave per child, paid at a rate of 80% of your salary or with a capped limit of 588 pounds a week. I think the Swedish model is good because it's quite equal. It doesn't matter if you're the father or the mother. Thanks to a state subsidy, the bill for childcare in Sweden is greatly reduced. Low-income families pay nothing while more prosperous families pay a max of 119 pounds a month. But before you move to Sweden and get pregnant, it's important to remember that everything comes at a cost, and the Swedes pay more in tax. But what do you think? Would you be willing to pay more tax for better parental leave?