11.11 周日Fun 轻松

11.11 周日Fun 轻松

2018-11-11    00'27''

主播: 萌子_Alisa

155 0

EMF_Nov 11 2018 You know, if I was asked to rewrite that sign today, it would say, “I have a God-given gift of voice. Acknowledge him in all my ways, and he will direct my path. Thank you, and God bless.” 你知道,如果有人让我今天再写一遍那个告牌,它上面会写“我的嗓音是上帝给予的礼物,我会通过所有方式承认他(的存在),他会指引我的道路。谢谢你,愿上帝保佑你。 People don’t always like you. And they’re not always happy for you. And if you surround yourself with people who are not accustomed to your success, they become fearful. They become scared. 人们不会总喜欢你。他们不会总为你感到快乐。如果在你周围的人们不习惯你的成功,他们会变得不安,会感到害怕。