11.10 摄影技巧 B

11.10 摄影技巧 B

2018-11-10    00'41''

主播: 萌子_Alisa

169 1

EMF 2018.11.10 摄影技术Lesson B   今天,我们讲讲英语学习。第一条建议,也是我希望我过去可以更加重视的,就是字典。这本又大又重的书,看上去就像是原始的古老。 Today, we’re talking English learning. Tip No. 1. One of the things I wish I paid more attention to is the dictionary. That’s this giant heavy book right here, that looks like an original ancient Bible.   图表的最上方代表的是勤奤的和坚持的人,最下方代表的是懒惰的、懦弱的,任何已经放弃的人。在中间的则是绝大多数的学员。 But the up top of that chart represents the diligent and the consistent, down below of that chart represents the lazy, the coward, anyone that’s quit. In the middle is our average majority.   当你倾听自己内心的时候,你会立刻知道该如何选择,而不必去追随他人的脚步,因为不要相信你的耳朵,不要相信这个浮夸世界的谎言。 So when you listen to your inner voice, it tells you right away without even having to follow in other’s foot steps, because don't trust your ears and don't trust the lies of a fancy world.
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