11.28 不同发型不同性格的女生

11.28 不同发型不同性格的女生

2018-11-28    01'00''

主播: 萌子_Alisa

163 2

EMF 2018.11.28   女生发型与性格 Lesson A   核心报道   1. There's nothing better than emerging from the salon and feeling like a million dollars. Now, let's see how the length of your hair connects to your personality and daily habits. 从美发厅走出来感觉非常棒,没有什么能比这更好的事情了。现在,让我们了解一下头发的长度跟你的性格和日常习惯有什么关系。   2. Pixie cut or very short hair. You are a confident, sociable, flirty,and pleasant person. You love jobs that allow you to emphasize your intelligence. 精灵短发或者非常短的发型。你是一个自信、擅长交际、很有情调并且亲切友好的人。你喜欢那些能够突出你的智慧的工作。   3. Bob cut or above-the-shoulder hairstyle.You are a straightforward person who speaks the truth, even when it hurts. You are fearless and organized but you can't stand routine. 波波头或者肩膀以上长度的发型。你是一个直率的人,喜欢讲真话,即使真话很伤人。你是一个无所畏惧并且条理性很强的人,不过你不喜欢墨守成规。   4. Shoulder-length cut. You are happy with your feminine, elegant, and sophisticated appearance. You love to talk, and your natural beauty attracts everyone who crosses your path. 齐肩发。你对于自己的女性化、优雅且高级的外观非常满意你喜欢交流,你那天然的美丽外表吸引着每一-位从你身边经过的人。   5. Long or very long hair. You are very careful, patient, and dreamy. In love, you seek a long-term relationship and give your all. You fight for your dreams and you do the impossible to achieve your goals. 长发或者非常长的发型。你很谨慎,有耐心,并且喜欢幻想。在爱情里,你寻找长久的伴侣关系,并且愿意付出你的全部。你会为了你的梦想斗争,会为了实现目标做不可能的事。