A true friend

A true friend

2019-09-13    02'00''

主播: Addy🎼😼

192 1

A true friend 一个真正的朋友   On social media networks like Facebook, you probably get the impression that some people have hundreds or even thousands of friends. But study shows that people usually maintain a close relationship with only a few people in real life. 在Facebook等社交媒体网络上,你可能会觉得,很多人有几百个甚至几千个朋友。但是,研究表明,在现实生活中,人们只跟少数几个人保持密切联系。   It takes time and nurturing for real friendships to develop, and there are certain habits and characteristics that genuine friends possess, which makes them more like family. So, here are the qualities of a true friend! 真正的友谊需要时间去培养,真正的朋友拥有一些特点和习惯,这让他们像我们的家人一样。那么,让我们来看一下真正的朋友有哪些特征吧!   Number 1 - They accept you as you are. A true friend won't try to change you. They embrace everything about you, from your flaws to your best personality traits. They may not agree with or like everything that you say or do, but they won't bash you or try to change your personality. They simply accept you as you are! 第一,他们接纳最真实的你。一个真正的朋友不会试图改变你,他们接纳你的一切,无论是你的小缺点,还是你的闪光点。也许,他们并不完全认同你的观点或者你的行为,但是他们不会打击你,不会尝试改变你的性格。他们接纳最真实的你!   Number 2 - They really listen. How many times have you tried to have a conversation with someone, about something that is important to you, and that person keeps turning the topic back to him or herself? You somehow don't find these conversations fulfilling. 第二,他们乐于倾听。你肯定遇到过这种情况,你想和某人说一件很重要的事,但是对方却常常把话题转到自己这边。这会让你莫名其妙地感到这种交流没什么意思。   But, when you have a conversation with a real friend, they aren't one-sided. You find that your friend really listens to you. They don't talk over you, misunderstand what you are saying, or try to hog the attention in the conversation. They open themselves up to listening, really listening, with the intent to understand your thoughts and feelings. 但是,如果你是在跟真正的朋友交流,他们不会这样做。你会发现,你的朋友非常乐意倾听你的观点。他们不会尝试说服你,不会误解你,也不会把话题引到他们自己身上。他们敞开心扉,聆听你的心声,他们想理解你的想法和感受。
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