stop killing time

stop killing time

2019-09-12    01'21''

主播: Addy🎼😼

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Stop killing time, because eventually that turns around and time will kill you. You have the power to prevent time loss. You have the power to prevent wasted time. But you also have the power to kill time and many of us are doing just that. 不要消磨时间了,因为到最后,这会让你付出代价。你能够把握时间,你能够阻止自己浪费时间,但是你也能够消磨时间,而很多人都是这样。 Before we make decisions, before we act, we need to think about how we're spending our time. We need to focus on what we want to accomplish, what makes the heart burn with passion, what wakes you up in the morning, what's your why. 在我们做决定之前,在我们采取行动之前,我们需要思考一下,自己到底是如何使用时间的。我们需要专注于我们想做的事,让自己心中充满热忱,充满昂扬斗志的事情,专注于你的使命。 Time is the most valuable resource we have. I can save my money for later. I can't do that with my time. I can invest in more money. I can't do that with time. I can share my money. I still can't do that with time. 时间是我们拥有的最珍贵的资源。我可以存钱,但是我不能存时间。我可以投资更多的钱,但是我无法投入更多的时间。我们可以分享金钱,但却仍旧无法把时间分给别人。 Stop damaging your lifespan. Sooner or later you're going to realize that the only thing you wish you have more of is time. But that's just what you threw away the most. 不要再浪费有限的生命了。你迟早会意识到,时间是唯一一种你觉得不够用的东西。但是,它也是你浪费得最多的东西。
上一期: NCE-I-41
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